Heckin Requests

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Heckin Requests


Tired all the time
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Today 6:57 AM


I am currently seeking some active roleplay partners to quench my thirst for roleplay. Please read through, and if you feel like you're up to the task please don't hesitate to private message me!

What I would like from a roleplay partner •

Equal Lines - This means that we match, no one liners. If I give you a paragraph I would like one in return if not more.

Detail, not script - Please don't do script roleplay with me. I.E *She leaned in close*

Godmod - This is when you take control over my character, i.e making my character move to your will. Please don't do this, it takes me out of the story when I see this happen… *Reacting or noticing the movements I've played for my character is fine

Active - Posts at least seven times a week if not more!

If you have any concerns about any of these please feel free to include it in your first message to me, along with anything you would like in return! (These are going to be the same rules I follow)

Pairings • The ones I enjoy will be bolded.

Prince x Commoner

Pirate x Hostage

Vampire x Human

Demon x Demon Hunter


As well if you have any plots you're interested in please let me know, I'm pretty much open to anything. (I'm fine with NSFW and SFW roleplay.)

•I will update this with plots, when they come to mind•

As well, sorry if this request isn't very well written or anything this is my first time doing this!
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