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- Today 1:52 PM
- Messages
- 5
- Age
- 25
Hello All, My Alias is Poison4506, You can call me anything you want though. Seriously anything, I truly don't mind.
I use she/her pronouns though so keep that in mind when referring to me.
I'm also well aware that this is for Introductions, but my rp Character is also my Alias so, I figured I would introduce both here.
My Hobbies
My Hobbies are pretty simple, I enjoy Chess, Reading, RPing, Adventures, and Gaming. I sometimes Stream on Twitch. If your interested in that, pm me. ⚠ this isn't me trying to promote my channel, it is small and has less than 10 followers, I don't need to promote it either, because I don't want to. ⚠
My Personality
I am a brat, who enjoys fucking around.... there you go, now you know what kind of person I am!

My RP Character
My RP Charter is a Tortle, she is a bit of a hermit, and is always up for adventure. More on her coming up!

Character Backstory
My parents didn't get along with each other very well, so after having five children together (me being the youngest) my father up and left. This resulted in my mother falling into disparity.
I grew up a relatively normal childhood, even though I grew up in a rundown shack. I had a lot of friends l, but very few close friends. And when I turned of age I packed my things and set off to join an academy to become a wizard
Eventually I was accepted into one that was so hidden away from the world that the knowledge and secrets it contained became ageless. Although the training regime was rigorous, I kept to my Job as a researcher, and continued to accept my contracts as they were given to me by my teacher. Who was a fanatically old, and presumed-to-be dead Librarian, who never left the circulation desk as far as I could tell.
But alas my training was completed an I received a final contract. .I was to search an Ancient Temple, that my research into the dark ages on knowledge that was purposefully hidden away, told me was infested with Mind Flayers. I ventured into the temple though, and promptly found myself in trouble. I was eventually caught and tortured, and had a Mind Flayer Tadpole implanted in me. Unfortunately the Tadpole never made it past ceremorphis and I eventually escaped with my life intake as well as with the knowledge I cam to obtain. I arrived back at the academy to complete my contract, and was given a beautiful metallic tomb, who's spells could only be written inside it with acid.
I promptly retired from the academy and returned home, where I meet a stranger who noticed the mind flayer tadpole in me, and decided that they would train me to control it. They were of Dragon Born Royalty, and I soon found my self in love with them, but alas that was not to last, for one day I returned home to find them murdered. They had left a letter, with a question that I still don't have the answer to, as well as three magical items. A Ring of Mind Shielding, A Lanturn of Revealing, and a Brooch of Shielding.
I now adventure in memory of my lover in hopes that one day I will find love once again.
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