Hello all of you Beautiful People!

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Hello all of you Beautiful People!

The Clozer

End all, be all.
Local time
Yesterday 11:34 PM
United States of America
My name is T-Dog but go by The Clozer.

I have been role playing since I first started making memories.

Not to age myself but that's 20+ years and I am very connected to creating stories and rping as a whole.

I am new to rping over the interwebs but think this will be an excellent place to be myself and make new friends. :)

I love all sorts of genres but some of my favorites are:
Dark Fantasy
and others like these!

My favorite stories to tell are adult, with realistic characters that express true emotions in a sensible way.
I do not stray away from gore and the horrific parts of life nor do I shy from the deep sexual nature of mankind.
As such my best stories are told from adult perspective and involve a mixture of the fantastical world and the powerful human element with lots of action and adventure and blood and gore and sex smothering the whole thing into a Van Gogh painting of what life could be like in a fictional setting.

I love stories for two reasons, the escape into fantastical worlds and expression in those worlds, as well as the friends I make along the path of storytelling.

To conclude this essay on who goeth there I would like to say I am pumped as hell to join a group of seemingly awesome people from around the globe for some amazing rp's I am sure I will have.

Thanks for reading my thread here! - T-Dog The Clozer
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Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope you enjoy it here!
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