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Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Likes!
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Today 2:08 AM
Hey everyone,
My name is Skye (spelled with an E, lol), but you can call me Sukai (pronounced: Sue as Susan and Ki as Kite) Todd or Sukai! :) I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Right now, when it comes to writing; I find myself entranced with my stories/fanfics based off of two of my current favorite movies... The first being the 2006, extremely underrated (in my opinion) psychological horror film "The Prestige" and the Marvel Cinematic Universe continuum of their saga aka "Spider-Man: Homecoming"... Peter F.B. Parker is adorkable (adorable x dork) and Tom Holland has impressed me lolz. Well, if anyone knows these two films or happen to be into anime such as "Sailor Moon", "Cowboy Bebop", "Outlaw Star", "Devilman: The Birth", "Sailor Moon Crystal" and movies such as "TRON: LEGACY" and "Aladdin (2019)" feel free to let me know. And I might create a thread, for one of these RPs, at some point. Anyway, thanks for reading this far, you brave beings! ;) It takes courage, to keep reading my paragraphs... Lolz. Well, stay safe and have a blessed time (however you define blessings) in whatever time zone you guys may be located in. :)
Bye Now,
Sukai Todd Says! ^_^
Welcome to the Sanctum~! As an avid anime fan, I've been considering watching Sailor Moon but have not yet gotten around to doing so. I'd ask you if it was any good... but since you mentioned it here, I'd be surprised if you said no. :P
Welcome to the Sanctum~! As an avid anime fan, I've been considering watching Sailor Moon but have not yet gotten around to doing so. I'd ask you if it was any good... but since you mentioned it here, I'd be surprised if you said no. :p
Well, ironically although I do love both versions of Sailor Moon, I recommend the manga, Crystal and then if you're totally in love with how much better those two are... Try the 90s' version. But my biggest issue, goes by two names: Tuxedo Mask. And whomever wrote his parts... That's a discussion, all its own. But overall, I recommend it lol. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the world of... well, just about everything!

Ah yes, the great sailor moon. Interesting, but I like Saint Seiya better :P (You should check it out; personally, I like the Lost Canvas a bit better)

I hope you have fun here!
Dawh thanks đź’ś
Welcome to the world of... well, just about everything!

Ah yes, the great sailor moon. Interesting, but I like Saint Seiya better :p (You should check it out; personally, I like the Lost Canvas a bit better)

I hope you have fun here!
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas also known as "The Myth of Hades"... Yea, that's a classic. I saw it last year on Netflix and I cosplay Athena. Lol. The Knights of the Zodiac... Personally, Pisces is my favorite. :) Thank you for the warm and humorous welcome!
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas also known as "The Myth of Hades"... Yea, that's a classic. I saw it last year on Netflix and I cosplay Athena. Lol. The Knights of the Zodiac... Personally, Pisces is my favorite. :) Thank you for the warm and humorous welcome!

Aww nice! Dang Albafica, nice hair btw...
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, if you have any questions feel free to send me a message :)
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