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Today 4:56 PM
Hello. I'm kind of new to this type of roleplaying site to be honest. I never joined threads/online things like this. I was always more of the Gaia Online/Discord/Early Fb type of person. My name is ForlornElf, I'm 23, and I've been roleplaying since around the time i was 7 i believe. I'm open to any type of style (Script, lit, para, semi-para, semi-lit, descriptive, etc)), and i like to adjust to my partner's style. I can play both male and female characters, and I'm fine with MxM, MXF, FXM, and sometimes Futaxwhatever gender. I may come back to update this but i honestly have no idea what to put here!
Welcome! 🎊
Hope you find what you're hunting. 😘

Also, request threads is where you put what you're really looking for. If any problems, reach out and touch somebody! 💞
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! We're happy to have you here! If you have any questions, I'm here to help. 😊
Welcome to I.S. ForlornElf, I hope you find what you are looking for here and have a great time while doing it.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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