Hello Beautiful People!!

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Hello Beautiful People!!


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Today 6:33 PM
Hello fellow sanctum members!​
About Me
Gender: Female
Age: Within my twenties.
Years of Experience: 10 + years role playing, 12+ years writing.
Post Length: 3 to 5 minimum, 5+ maximum.
Online Status: Everyday to daily.
Response Time: 7 days a wekk, unless busy.

I am quite open mineded, and willing to try something new or experienced very little of. I lean towards modern/fantasy/supernatural settings. A common ground, since they happen to be some more popular topics. I am also into ancient history time settings.

Genre types: I have many favorites. Action. Humor. Mystery/Crime. Magic. Fandom. And so much more! Just ask me.

Plot: Basic plotting or world building. Basic plotting allows us to jump into a role play quicker. Whereas, world building takes a bit more patience.

Roles: Male or female. I can play either role.

Favored Pairings: Male x Female/Female x Male or Male x Male (sub or switch only!)

Mature Content: I love me a good spicy scene. As long as sex isn't the main focus. I like keeping things a bit longer termed than a just a short few posts.

OOC Discussions: Very important. In order to keep into tabs with one another and/or sharing thoughts and ideas.

What I Expect From Others
Post Length: 3 or more paragraphs.

Writing: Decent grammar, use of words etc. Mistakes do happen, and I no grammar police. But I ask, before posting check and edit your work. Thanks.

Response Time: Whenever you can. Daily, once a week. Do what is best for you!

Open Minded/Flexible: Share ideas and thoughts. Also, sometimes a slight change may be is needed, so be able to change gears IF have too. But I not saying it is a must.

Talk to Me: Don't be afraid to speak your mind. If you aren't liking something, tell me. If you have an idea, tell me. If you change the role play to something, tell me. I am an easy person to work with if you communicate things with me.

Likes and Dislikes: When messaging me to request a role play or just to say hi, feel free to express your likes and dislikes. Instead, of going on what like. It has happened before. This way we can both have an input to things we both like. This way we both can be happy.

Thank You for stopping by! I do hope to hear from y'all soon!!
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay (and do have a look in the requests forum to see if anything catches your eye — I'd be up for a game sometime if you think we'd fit)
Hello greyrock! Thank you for the welcome.

I am currently slowly making my way through the threads. Seeing some fun ideas already. Making it hard to choose. I have ideas of my own. I do plan on posting some of them. After I spend some more time browsing.
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