Hello Everyone

Currently reading:
Hello Everyone


Emperor of Rezlin, Zeplin and Forsaken Keep
Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 2:23 PM
Obsidian Galaxy

I am a roleplayer of 22 years , I have rped Gor, Dragons , Devil's, Lycans, Vampires, well if it's been rped I've touched it before pretty much , I am fond of open violent scenes and xxx scenes , I enjoy space rp, and enjoy creating world's or settings to rp within

I have a Dominant Mindset, I am sarcastic 90% of the time , easy to get along with and generally just like to have fun in my roleplays , I am very fluent in roleplay fighting ,

It is very nice to have come upon a community with so many talented people
Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy your stay here! ❤️
Welcome to the Sanctum!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Would love to rp sometime with you cause i rp all of the above in your post :)
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