Hello, everyone!

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Hello, everyone!


Local time
Tomorrow 5:06 AM
I just joined this site, so I don't really know what to expect yet, but things do seem really nice here.
I've been roleplaying for a year and a few months, mostly in fantasy settings, but I've had a few roleplays in a modern, normal world, and even a superhero one, the one and only fandom I've roleplayed so far in is "Harry Potter". I sometimes take time to write descriptions that develop my characters(like their room, and the details would tell things about them, well, I don't have that much time now, but I'll try my best to insert a few details here and there, just for the lols).
I mostly spend my time either by watching anime, listening to music, playing games or coding.
Nice to meet y'all.
The last time somebody ate me, I accidentally raised their sugar level so hard they pooped M&Ms for a week(Sorry, I just HAD to say this).
Excited to meet you, nontheless.Best budies sure sounds like a good thing.
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