Hello Friend..

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Hello Friend..


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Today 5:55 AM
Hello lovely! I hope this thread finds you well. I go by emerxld on here, but you may call me nettie if you wish. Of course, it's not my real name though it's not far from it. Kind of a pet name that my family tended to call me and it stuck. I stumbled across this site the other day and literally just made an account. So, I'm new; bare with me. Though I'm new here, I'm not new to writing or roleplaying. I've mostly lurked around on random sites or through those such as Deviantart and Tumblr. Probably off and on now for ten years or so? Hmm, a little bit about myself;

  • 5 furbabies (2 dogs, 2 cats, & a guinea pig)
  • I love video games
  • My preorder list is placed out until March of 2020 (too hyped for FFVII Remake and Cyberpunk)
  • I fancy roleplay games (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, & Fire Emblem are my top faves)
  • I'm a tired girl
  • Always napping
  • My music taste is all over the spectrum
  • I work retail (oof)
  • I love the Fall
  • Halloween is my shiz
  • I'm pretty chill if not a little awkward (I'll go ahead and apologize in advance, sorry)
  • I love anime (Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia being my favorites atm)
  • I constantly watch dumb videos and look at memes for laughs
  • I tend to binge-watch shows of all kinds
  • I ramble, also sorry
That'll do it for me for the time being! Sorry if it was a bit much. I'm terrible at introductions! As far as writing goes, I'll give some detail about that until I actually get around to making a post!
  • I'm more familiar with doubling, but not opposed to 1x1. I just come from the Quizilla days and it's what I'm accustomed too.
  • Usually OCs x Canon characters (fandoms) and OC x OC (originals)
  • Not really for Canon x Canon, despite my liking of shipping
  • When doing 1x1 I prefer the female role (m//f preferred)
  • My word count varies, but am multipara to novella. I don't do oneliners.
  • Genres; fluff, romance, supernatural, medieval, fantasy, horror, angst, mystery
  • I love plotting, moodboards, playlists, character sheets, worldbuilding
  • Casual (irl things and whatnot) writing is a hobby and I like to keep it that way
I'm sure I've rambled on enough now. Hopefully, we'll have the chance to write some day! ( :
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Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! :)
Welcome to the sanctum. Fun list of hobbies there. Excited for Cyberpunk as well, and Fire emblem is the shit. All that said, hope you find plenty of people to write with!
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