Hello, hello, hello?

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Hello, hello, hello?


Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 11:42 AM
Hi, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing haha.

I'm trying to kinda work my way up in the RP world? In a way? I've been writing for 10+ years but its always on very straightforward websites, where you post as your character, etc. I tried forums which were also very basic and it went well, now I'm moving to a website (this one) where it's way less Instagram-y. You get sick of social media-esque things when you just wanna write something with a more actual literature taste to it. (I also respect the Instagram-ish side, don't get me wrong.)

When I DO write with likeminded "nerds", I've been told about three times that my atmosphere can be compared to H.P Lovecraft, and honestly I don't do monsters-- but I haven't read a single Lovecraft piece so who knows! I love his nihilism base so that's there.

I also like Northern Europe and eerie themes, not really shock horror. I'm not a big fan of blood and guts but I can very well do it.

Message me and we can talk about things and get a story going, just to chill out for a bit, teach me a few things, who knows. I'm pretty open to any ideas you may have as well and I have a few random ideas up my own sleeve. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! And if you have any questions, most people in the chat and even the staff are more than happy to answer any you may have! My inbox is open if you have any questions also!
A Simple Guide for the Sanctum Dweller <-- A Helpful Guide
https://writerssanctum.com/forums/roleplay-request-threads.23/ <-- The Request Threads (always go past page 3 cos some peeps don't know to 'Bump' {it brings their threads to the front of the line]}... Those links should getcha started!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It's a pleasure to meet you and welcome! Hope to see you around the site :D
That's awesome, it's a pleasure to meet you! I hope we'll be friends, also i'm in the same situation as you although I joined a little while back it's only now that i'm starting to make my way around in this website. Regardless, welcome! <3
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