Hello Hello, Ryan Here.

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Hello Hello, Ryan Here.

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Today 10:30 PM
Hey. My name is Ryan.

I am not new to the Roleplay scene or the writing scene and am currently working on a book :D It's a long way off from being published however. Roleplay kinda helps blow oxygen to the coals of my inspiration so hopefully we can write together.

My rp skills are decent I suppose, though not strict in their structure. I prefer fictitious settings that are nonetheless driven in a logical universe that makes common sense yet are impossible enough to allow for flexibility. In other words high fantasy is a bit strong for me.

As a person, I'm pretty chill I guess. Passionate about my passions. Chat me up? Let's talk roleplay and whatnot...
Hi Ryan! Welcome again. There are lots of talented writers here, so you're sure to find some oxygen for those inspiration coals. If you have any questions or find that you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! The staff all have plain colored names :)
Hey there, welcome to sanctum, always good to see a new face, am looking forward to finding out piques your interests and sparks your ire. Personally coming back after 3 years of writers block and found Everyone here has been really friendly and I have found this place a refreshing change of pace. Look forward to seeing you around.
Welcome to the land of no return! :D Nice to meet ya!
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