Hello, I am Symie

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Hello, I am Symie


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Today 3:08 PM
Hello everyone,

I am an eighteen-year-old who loves writing. A few of my friends have recommended that I try to roleplay to get more ideas flowing.

Now that this is out of the way, I am from Michigan and I don't really associate with others since I read/write too much. I have a few close friends and they are all writes/readers as well. I will write really anything.

Down to what matters now!
-Roleplaying for me will have to be more than two sentenced, preferably a paragraph or more and no extreme and crazy plot.

-You can use OC's or you can use characters from books, anime, shows, movies, etc. As long as you stick with them and do not change them consistently.

-I do not mind deep intimacy scenes or anything related to that as long as there is a story line that goes along with it and it is not right away.

-Any plot is okay as long as it is detailed.

Other than that, I am done with this post. I hope to roleplay with you all soon!

Welcome to the Sanctum Symie. Having written with a few writers before, I can definitely admit it was quite enjoyable, so I may be interested in writing with you sometime.
Welcome to the site, Symie. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please ask if you need help or guidance.
Also might I add that is a badass profile pic!
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