Hello, I'm Elillium!

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Hello, I'm Elillium!


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Today 10:15 AM

Hello! My name is Elillium, but you can call me Elle if you would like.
xxxxxWhile I am new to this site, I am not new to this site, I am not new to roleplaying. I have been roleplaying on other writing sites such as Chickensmoothie.com and Advanced-scribes.com since approximately 2011. I have also been a casual writer on Wattpad for a few years. Also, while I am actually very good at using BB coding, I am still trying to figure out the just of these text boxes.

xxxxxAbout me as a person:

xxxxxI am a third year college student from Southern Ontario, Canada, currently pursuing my Bachelor of Arts degree. I live in the Eastern Standard time zone. Apart from spending the majority of my time studying, I also enjoy creative writing, reading, fantasy movies, and some video gaming. Not meaning to toot my own horn or anything, but I can speak both English and French fluently, as well as I am apt at playing the piano and the harp.

About my writing/roleplaying:

I am a generally literate roleplayer; I typically post over four hundred words, and can post up to a thousand words if I am motivated or very interested in the story. I prefer to write in the third person, and to write with proper grammar and capitalization. I generally play female characters, but I will occassionally roleplay a male character, especially when the roleplay is in need of a few more males to balance it out. I really enjoy human and humanoid roleplays, including elves and vampires. I also enjoy topics that are historic (especially 1930s, Medieval times, Elizabethan times, and the Victorian era) as well as fantasy roleplays (I am highly inspired by the Hobbit + The Lord of the Rings, the Clone and Star Wars, and Harry Potter fantasies.) I also, for some unknown reason, am very interest in modern time horse stables or horse riding academy roleplays, although I prefer to roleplay human characters, and not animals.

Thank you for stopping by my introduction topic! Enjoy your day!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Bienvenue au santuaire interne! :) J'espère que tu vas écrire beaucoup de bonnes RPs ici. Il y a plusiers bien écrivaine dans le site-- tu trouves ce que vous cherchez; Je vous promets ;P
Bienvenue au santuaire interne! :) J'espère que tu vas écrire beaucoup de bonnes RPs ici. Il y a plusiers bien écrivaine dans le site-- tu trouves ce que vous cherchez; Je vous promets ;P

Merci! Je suis très hâte a commencer jouer des rôles. J'ai déjà commencé quelques histoires! J'aime déjà ce site.
Nice to meet you! I'm a new member, too; I hope we get along well.
Welcome to the site, fellow writer!
Let me know if there are any questions I can help with, glad to have you here.
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