Hello is generic but what else can people say?

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Hello is generic but what else can people say?

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Today 2:43 AM
So hey, I'm new to all of this. Im 23 years old, ive been role-playing since I was 12 when i played my first dnd game. Im into high fantacy, and sifi related fictions. Favorite books being Good Omens, Caves of Steel, and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Im on mobile so my formatting is terrible. As is my constant battle with autocorrect. I suffer from desleixa so my spelling may seem terrible, I try to get it right however. Excpet for the occasional misspelt word and using the wrong spelling of a word. For exzample "here" amd "hear" one i am ashamed to say i get mixed often. I can write two to three paragraphs in reponse. If i write one i try to give it enough substance to work off of. you can be patient with me I am shure we can create great stories. Im always up for constructive critism on my ideas and writting style. I cant wait to start posting once ive built up the courage.
Welcome! And don't worry, everyone is friendly here and will give all the needed criticism without being jerks. Feel free to check out the critique threads so you can get your confidence for posting up :D
Welcome to the Sanctum family!
Welcome. I'm always up to roleplay. I don't judge at all and I struggle with dyslexia. I love sci-fi and comics so we might get along message me if ya want.
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