Hello. Is there anybody in there?

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Hello. Is there anybody in there?


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Today 5:12 AM
Just nod if you can hear me.
Anyway hi, I'm Carl. You can say that with the accent from whatever show you like: Walking dead, Madtv, the murderous llama thing. My former rp site seems pretty dead or dying, so here I am. I'm cool with all sorts of stuff, I like original ideas and it seems this site does too. I kinda have my own thoughts on "godmoding" (I think so does everyone). If I'm in an rp, I want it to flow, and I want to read something interesting. A dozen people randomly waltzing into each other as players come and go along with endless introductions gets boring to me. So if you want to kill off some worthless, boring npc that is just used for my character's background in order to start a story with your character as the antagonist, go ahead- because it's much more likely that I will do the exact thing I just said. I LOVE playing minute characters, kind of because I'm so flaky of an rper but also because it's fun. So if you want someone to rp some doomed baddies in your quest, I'm your guy. I find fights with npcs boring. They bore me. I also find endless seas of Rambo's and demi-gods and ridiculously overpowered characters boring. They bore me the most. If you are still reading this, wow. If you want to recruit me, cool! Stay schwifty.

Oh, and I'm really not that big on Pink Floyd.
Welcome to the sanctum!
thank you! I'm finding it hard adjusting to the roleplay climate after 2 years, seems like 1on1s r very popular now and open rps are pretty much ghost towns on here as well as other sites. if you know any laid-back groups on here or got a direction to point me in i would much appreciate it.
You can always check out the Group Request threads. It's for roleplays in groups, sometimes even tabletop-styled.
And we also have a section called "Unfinished Tales" Where you can post 'open RP's' And then you just wait till someone bites.
But it's best if you make a Request thread yourself. (in either the Men, Women, or Assistence needed sections) Just write down the things you like in a story and what you're looking for in a writing partner. It's like an ad for your writing skills. :P
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