Hello! New member here. Nice to meet you!

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Hello! New member here. Nice to meet you!


Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
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Today 10:11 PM
Hello everyone! You can call me Limerence, Amii, or any other nickname(provided it's respectful.)

I'm in my twenties, so, I do prefer to RP and interact with other adults out of preference. Which is why I decided to join this site.

I've been on and off with role-play, but I'm hoping to get back into writing soon enough. Casual lazy lit is what I consider my writing style to be, along with writing in third person and in past tense.

My writing is average-- I'm not the best at RP, but there's always room for improvement, right? My tastes in RP vary from wholesome, fluffy romances to more darker themes and characters.

Other interests include horror, psychological thriller, bittersweet relationship/dynamics, and delving into the supernatural. I want to branch out and try new settings and genres, but romance has to be a subplot in a RP with me.

I may be a lurker for now, but I hope to start engaging with the community soon. Thanks for reading.
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Hello Amii, Welcome to I.S., When I first joined the site myself I lurked for quite a while. I spent most of my time reading and treating the site as a library. Eventually, I took a chance and started chatting in the chat down at the bottom and finally started writing. I'm really glad I did and I'm sure you'll be glad also when you are ready. Until then have fun and I hope you find what you are looking for.
Hello Amii, Welcome to I.S., When I first joined the site myself I lurked for quite a while. I spent most of my time reading and treating the site as a library. Eventually, I took a chance and started chatting in the chat down at the bottom and finally started writing. I'm really glad I did and I'm sure you'll be glad also when you are ready. Until then have fun and I hope you find what you are looking for.
It's always a tad bit nerve wrecking joining a new site, haha, so it's nice to have someone else recount a similar experience with lurking! This comment made me feel a bit less anxious. Thank you for the welcome! (:
Hello! I just joined yesterday so I'm new too! If you ever want a new writing partner, I have a little bit about myself in my "About" section. If the way I do things align with yours, I hope we can write! If not, that's okay too!^^ I hope you're having a good day regardless
Hey there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
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