Hello New World

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Hello New World


9th Lion Legion Of Orb
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Today 10:04 AM
New York State! Not a city!
Hello everyone! And welcome!

I have been doing Rps for over 12 years and I have love for them. They mean a lot to me. It take a lot of time to plan rps and get them just right same with characters. I do like details rps like paragraph to a paragraph and half.

I do FXM, MXF and others. I play both male and female characters.

I love doing Romance, Action, and Sexual theme roleplays. I have many different plots ideas.

If you want to know more about me. PM and we can talk! And definitely discuss rps too!
Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope you find great partners to write with!
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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