Hello People of the Sanctum

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Hello People of the Sanctum


Touche Toucan
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Today 12:41 PM
Hello fine people of the Sanctum.

It is I, Maniax. I've been role-playing (whether it be in e-feds or role-playing stories with other people) for the part of almost 10 years. I can write long and short depending on how much my partner in RP wants me to do, I can also write in both first and third person depending on what can fit the bill. There are times where I'm busy with work or having a life and times where I'm not and can fit in responses to other people. I can do most genres, the ones I like are action/adventure, sci fi, modern, slice of life, and horror, I like these genres a lot so maybe we can get along who knows?

Anyways, that's all I have to say, wait I can also be either mellow or fast paced, depends. Now, feel free to DM me if you would like to talk about anything you want to talk about or maybe we can get an RP going? That's all.
Hell there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
If you've got any questions feel free to ask
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻

Totally dig the name (:
Welcome to I.S. Maniax, I hope you find what you are looking for and have a fun time doing it. Happy writing.,
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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