Hello, said the rabbit!

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Hello, said the rabbit!


Erasing hearts .
Local time
Tomorrow 4:47 AM
Hello guys,

The name's Chalkrabbit and I am hoping you'll show me some love here. I'm not new to roleplay, just this lovely site, as I've found some of my old haunts have since shut down and I needed a new sea to fish in persay. I have many interests regarding my stories and love plotting with partners to see what we can cook up, so hopefully I'll get to know you all better in time, but for now this is just a little introduction!

Catch you around my friends~
Welcome, ChalkRabbit! We have plenty of wonderful writers around here, so I imagine it won't be long before you've got some roleplays cooking. (:
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll find many interesting partners to write with here!
Let me know if you have any questions.
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