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Today 8:13 PM
After spending some time getting used to this place I've decided to post an introduction. You can call me Izayoi or Haze, the former being what I normally go by on the internet and Izayoi being part of the title of one of my favorite songs.

I'll launch into a short story about why I decided to join. Recently I've been getting the itch to try and roleplay again but being pretty shy and new I wrestled with it for awhile. I say I'm new because despite having used "again" in the last sentence the kind of roleplays I've done aren't what I'd call... serious roleplays? Another reason I've been hesitant is the last big roleplay group I was in, over a year ago, ended on a very bad note and turned me off.

Regardless of all that I'm both nervous and excited to join! For now I'll probably explore the sight and see what I think, but it's nice to meet all of you!
Welcome Haze, I do like the way that word sounds. Anyway I thought I would pop in and welcome you to the Asylum, and pretty much my home in the interweb.
I can very much relate to what you say as I myself am cripplingly shy in a new environment, and it can take a while for me to feel comfortable. I hope to reassure you that everyone I have met here is really friendly, the staff are awesome and totally approachable. I know some places staff can be a bit standoffish, but these guys are great, they really want everyone to feel at home, so don't be afraid to pester them for advice, or help .
Everyone in 'Chat' is warm and welcoming, we are there because we love to talk and new people are totally welcome, chat here is not a clique.

Aside from the staff ( those who's names are in pretty colours.) The rest of us love to write, create worlds stories , bounce ideas. Sometimes just chill and talk. Most of us are open to questions and those we can't answer or help with, we will help you find someone who can.

I am so pleased you have introduced yourself and look forward to seeing you around, even if it's just to lurk. ;)
I look forward to seeing what's in what your request thread , likes,dislikes genre preferences etc.

All the best, and we hope you decide to stay, and have fun. All the best . Nyx.
Glad ou decided to give us a chance. Hopefully, you can find some good, quality role plays. I suggest creating a request thread and see who bites.
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