Hello There :)

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Hello There :)


Just trying to find reason to get out of bed
100 Posts! 100 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 1:37 AM
Salem Oregon
Hello my name is Ualah (A-La) but a lot of people just leave the "U" out cause it's easier to remember haha. I am 23 years old and honestly very new to serious RPing, I've tried to RP in the past but it never lasts very long or even gets going. I have been RPing off and on since I was 16 and when it does work out it is really a good break from reality haha. I can't wait to start RPing and learning more from everyone. I honestly don't know what else to say so if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

Edit: Just realized I could have said what RPs I am into! Well I am into: Romance, Fantasy, Steampunk, Slice of Life, and sometimes Anthro if it's done well (Not fetishized). I am open for more sexual content but it should be stated that I am in a relationship so any and all sexual or romantic RPing is strictly that, RPing, and nothing more.
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Still reading your name as "oo-ay-lah". Sorry, it's forever embedded in my mind. XD

Anyhoo, welcome to the Sanctum~!
Oooh, but it's such a lovely name with the "U"! Welcome to our communal break from reality, we look forward to hopefully providing you with more of those real good RPs ^_^
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Still reading your name as "oo-ay-lah". Sorry, it's forever embedded in my mind. XD

Anyhoo, welcome to the Sanctum~!

Haha it's okay, sorry I didn't see this until now. My name is pronounced ay-la, the U is silent :)
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