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Hello There!

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Today 6:52 AM
Where the stars shine, and thunder sings.
Welp, can you all believe that I signed up for this site last April and then completely forgot I did it and haven't logged in until today? Welp, here I am, and I hope to make a better impression than that little fun fact about me has set up. XD

So, hello there, I'm Queen of Hearts, but you can call me just about anything, but some of the more popular ones have been Heart, Queeny, Queen, and Madam Space-case. This is by far, not my first forum and I've been hunting for a place to call my little RP home. I love to plot, I love to world build and I love characters with levels and figuring out how they can grow as a person. I've been RPing since I was thirteen years old, and never really stopped. I've got about eleven years of experience under my belt. I still can't believe it's been that long, but goodness it has. Hope it's not too big of a put off that I have been writing that long. >///<

So a few fun facts about me?
I work part time as Customer service lacky, while I'm also a full-time Elementry Education major, and in my senior year with only fifty credit hours left to go. Seriously counting down the hours until I'm free from midterms, projects, and term papers. So when the semester is in session this is where a lot of my energy where go, but I'll make sure to keep in touch and communicate with anyone I write with.

I have two dogs, three if you count my brother's dog who he leaves with me every day and had me raise for him. Two of them are rescues. My half husky half chow, he is the old man of the group. I've had him since I was in the seventh grade, and he's just my big old cuddly old man. He I got from a shelter. My other Rescue was a dog that a family friend literally had to climb in a dumpster and get her out of. She's our little dumpster pup. She's my little beagle, a runt and is apparently the boss dog out there with the two boys three times her size. Seriously she does not act like a beagle, she is the biggest bully I've ever seen with other animals but then next she wants all the pets and will lick your toes to make you look at her (if that doesn't work, expect toe nips.)
The last is a barely year old Chesapeake Bay, who will literally kill you to love you cause he's yet to figure out he's a hundred pounds of muscle and walking on you is not as cute as it was when he was a puppy, puppy. But the biggest sweetheart, who the other dogs still can't stand. (I think the old man is still holding a grudge over him knocking his feet out from under him last winter..) And also this is the only pet that has taught me how to play games with him. (his fave is rolling a ball under a table, having me push it back out, and then do it again while looking at me like "Well, come on your turn"

I'm a dork who likes Fanfics, new book recommendations, tea, old movies, new movies and video games. Also the last few years I've gotten into going to cons. The last two years a group of friends has talked me into starting cosplaying which I find I love to do, I'm working on my newest one for next year's biggest con we are all going to. Pretty intensive, sorta excited to make my first armor chest piece and freaked out.

Favorite Teas: Mint Green Tea, Cream Erl Gray, strawberry herbal, Chocolate tea with vanilla sugar.

Favorite Movies: Labyrinth, Predator, Megamind, Pirates of the Carabian movie franchise, Lost City of Anlatus, Avengers Franchise, Iron Man, Page Master, Ouija, Final Destination Movies, Devil Advocate, All Dogs go to Heaven, Repo!The Genetic Opera, Devil's Carnival, Jurassic World and park movies and Phantom of the Opera.

Favorite Web series/YouTubers: Domics, The My Immortal Parody, Welcome to Night Vale, Markaplier, Ben Philips Pranks, Djsmell, and NateWantsToBattle.

Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, Rick and Morty, Fraiser, The Nanny, Cheers, (I'm a sucker for Sitcoms before my time), That 70's Show, Invader Zim, Archer, X-Men: Evolution, True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, Lucifer, Sleepy Hollow, Gravity Falls (swear I started watching it one day during finals cause a friend swore it was too precious for this world and will make me stop stressing out. It is too precious for this world people) Grey's Anatomy, Bob's Burgers and Once Upon a Time. Also sorta like Doctor Who, but that depends on the mood I am in to watch that one.

Favorite Anime: Zoids, Devil May Cry, Gundams (like all of them, there is not a one I do not like) Kill La Kill, One Punch Man, Blue Exorcist, DBZ, Saizuki, Yuri on Ice, Black Butler, Bleach, Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Ouran High school Host Club. (also all of these I love their manga even more, except for Yuri and Food wars cause I haven't found their manga)

Favorite Books:
Ink Heart series, Harry Potter Series, Labyrinth, The Storyteller, The Dark Crystal, Edger Allan Poe complete Tales and Poems, Treasure Island, Great Gatsby, Artums Fowl series, Dragon Bait, Never Trust a Dead Man, Pride, and Prejudice, and Grimms complete Fairy Tales.

Favorite Games: Undertale, Star Dew Vally, Harvest Moon series, Pokemon, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect series, Skyrim, Dark Cloud, Devil May Cry Series, Fable Series, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Persona 3, 4 and 5, Uncharted Series, Fall Out Series Fire Emblem Awakening and Fir Emblem Fates.

That's a few things about me and probably way more than most of you wanted to know! Feel free to ask me anything, I'll try my best to answer! But thank you so much for reading my rambly introduction and I hope to see you guys around! =D
Hope you find your home sweet home here! ^^
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