Hello There

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Hello There


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Today 4:10 PM
Hello, you can call me Viserixn or anything else really. Vise, Viser, Venison, Verizon, I've heard it all.

I probably first started roleplaying when I was about 10 years old, which was 8, almost 9 years ago. I write multiple lengthy paragraphs and in return, expect the same from my partner(s). I prefer to write females only, since I only seem to be good with them, though there's a chance you may persuade me into using a male as well if the plot is good enough. I prefer to write in the supernatural genre, as realistic roleplays get way too boring for me. I like the Angel vs Demon, Werewolf vs Vampire, Angel vs Human/Hunter, Werewolf vs Human/Hunter ideas, though if you have any ideas you'd like to try out, feel free to shoot it at me and let me know! If there's anything else you wish to know, just ask! Shoot me a PM if you'd be interested in giving a little noobie like me a shot!
I feel the same way, but it's not that hard to write about realistic stuff than anything sci fi or steampunk related. For some reason I cannot come up with incredible techie names out of the blue like other people do (even if I am a videogame scripter). Oh and I suck at making female characters that don't look dull or ridiculously laughable by default.
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