Hello there!!!!

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Hello there!!!!


The Warrior
Local time
Today 2:20 PM
Chicago, IL
My name is Suga or SugaCube!

Well first off thank you for having me here! I am excited to RP with others. What can I say about myself. I love to read and write! I am currently working on my own novel and might try to bring some of that idea here to RP with. Maybe I can get more inspiration. I am also a Nursing Student. Working on that degree. I occasionally will disappear for a few days but I will not forget to come back.

I love fantasy, adventure and romance. I do adore writing mature RPs as well, so don't be afraid to RP with me. My writing style, I am bias towards third person. You get a more broad view of the character and what's going on around them. I love detail. I am big into description so the reader can get a clear view of what I am trying to portray.

I am not sure what else to put here. But again thank you for having me. I can not wait to start Role playing!
Hey Welcome. If you have any questions about the site don't be afraid to ask. The admins here are very helpful.
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