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Kaiju Enthusiast and Researcher
250 Posts! 100 Likes! 250 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 8:04 PM
Hi everyone, you may call me V or Sun...or whatever nickname you can come up with if we ever get the chance to speak haha.

I've been roleplaying I'd say for about 12 years but I abruptly stopped because I was going through a dry spell in my desire to write, but now it's slowly coming back along with my interest to dive back into telling a tale with another person. I will be honest though, my experience with forum roleplays are slim to none as I'm more used to instant messaging so apologies if I seem a bit slow at first.

I mainly do original roleplays with almost every genre to indulge in, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Modern, Adventure, Horror, Romance, Slice of Life, etc. Although, I may do a bit of fandom if the idea is interesting enough. And I'm not the best at writing, I still make some grammatical errors here and there but I do want to get better at it.

Oh! And besides roleplaying, I like anime, manga, gaming, art and music. Not that interesting but...yeah.

Anyway, if anyone has an interesting idea they want to tell me, by all means be my guest. I look forward to writing with you.

(Also sorry it took a bit to write this, I was wondering how this should come out. Kind of shy.)
Heya!! I'm new here too ;w; so it's nice to know I'm not alone! Is it cool if I call you Sun? You can call me whatever you want, really!!
I love anime and manga with a passion oof ;;; Hunter x Hunter is my all time favorite, closely followed by Boku no Hero Academia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!! If you wanna like?? Dork out about anime or whatever, I'm hella down bahaha my inbox is always open!
Heya!! I'm new here too ;w; so it's nice to know I'm not alone! Is it cool if I call you Sun? You can call me whatever you want, really!!
I love anime and manga with a passion oof ;;; Hunter x Hunter is my all time favorite, closely followed by Boku no Hero Academia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!! If you wanna like?? Dork out about anime or whatever, I'm hella down bahaha my inbox is always open!
Always nice to meet another anime fan and oh my god I love BNHA and Hitman Reborn, I became instantly addicted with BNHA after the first few chapters of the manga and it was the same with KHR. ;w; Although I've never seen Hunter x Hunter. And yeah I'm totally fine with that, mind if I call you Noct?
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