Hello~ This is my intro.

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Hello~ This is my intro.


Friendly roleplayer~. <3
Local time
Today 8:16 AM
Hi there, my name is Lena~.
I've recently started getting back to writing again after years of breaking off from it. Simply for the fact that I do enjoy it, I've just been caught up with video games, as well as socializing and going through the stages of life as they go. I joined a while ago but didn't really get into this site because as I was in the same position I am now; looking for motivation to write again, I just didn't have enough determination to go through the process. My writing style has grew majorly, even if I don't write as often as I used to. I went from simple and cliche to bold and descriptive. As well as very detailed in my descriptions to really feel as if you're the character. I don't really mind any sort of topic to write about, it's a good challenge to get out of my comfort zone and write the way I do in many different settings. Although, I do prefer fantasy, romance, adventure, and just really climactic stories. Smut is something that's a side to a story, it's very optional and I don't mind writing it but it's definitely not something I write everyday for the thrill. As well as rushing the story, rushing the characters and their development is something that is a pet-peeve of mine. I like the stories I write or participate in to progress in a steady manner so there's crazy twists and nerve-chilling changes that happen throughout the storyline. I really hope I get to meet some wonderful people on here so that we can enjoy making amazing plots and storylines together! I hope to talk to some of yall soon~.
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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