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Hi! My name is Dardellia (Sorry I know it's kinda weird). I'm still failrly inexperienced with roleplay, or at least, I think so. Technically I've roleplayed with my best friend for years, but I've never done it with anyone else, so I'm looking forward to rolplaying with others. Please let me know if anyone is willing to rp with me. I'm up for pretty much anything as long as you can be a bit patient with me. :p
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome welcome! You've come to the right place. Our community is full of writers across the spectrum from beginners to people who have been tippity-typing their hearts out for years. We have learning materials and feedback forums as well as individuals willing to give personal reviews and feedback if you're interested. In the meantime, I hope you settle in well, and if you run into any questions, please don't hesitate to drop me a line in chat or private messages. ^_^
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! :)
Welcome, welcome!
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