Wow, I didn't expect to learn so much about raising emus today, but here I am. I imagine they need a fair amount of space given their size and love of running. The only birds I'm familiar with are lovebirds. My parents had a mating pair and their clutch when I was growing up. Unfortunately, when you also keep dogs with a high prey drive, things don't always end well. The babies all passed, either at the teeth of greyhounds or of illness, but the original pair lived a very long time. The female finally died around age 25 or so. We never got any other birds after that.
Of course, now that my parents have more land and a pond, my mom is trying to convince my dad to let her get ducks.
They do need a good area to live in. Mine lives in a fairly large dog yard, since my dog is too old and feeble now at nearly 13 years old [he's an Akita] to use the yard. He has a shed to shelter in and spends the rest of his time running around, chasing my chickens and ducks. We also have three ponds of varying sizes, two pastures with cows, and a forest on our property. The ducks like those, especially when the wild geese are visiting, and I'd like to take emu swimming [they love water] in the big pond but I am unsure whether he'd be good or run away if I let him out of his fence. It's very like having a very large dog, only it's very hard to leash them. Besides that they run like crazy, jump, roll over, and throw themselves on the ground just for fun; looks like they're dancing.
Besides emu I also have chickens, ducks [just got five new ducklings as a birthday present from my family, since I've been wanting to get more to keep company with the two ducks I have; both males, brothers, who can never be separated], cows, cats, a dog, and a cockatiel. I did once try to breed him, but the mate I got for him was lazy and didn't sit on the eggs, and he only sat them halfway through... So none hatched even when I tried to artificially incubate. The female eventually died of illness, but Shadow is still healthy at ten years old this year.
I've also had geese, guineas, gerbils, rats, snakes, frogs, starlings, robins, red wing black birds, kestrels, and various others at different times of my life. Most of them were animals I found outside and rescued.