Currently reading:


= NAME =

Aryan Williams

= AGE =







5'7, lean/average build with some muscle definition, slightly curvy

= BIO =

Aryan grew up in a large home in the suburban area with 3 older brothers who were into sports, her father the police chief in their town while her mother was a well-loved nurse. Her entire family had bright futures or thriving careers, while Ary's purpose was still in question. It was enough for Aryan to feel overwhelmingly insecure, unsure of how to live up to her family's reputation when sports wouldn't work out because of her asthma, being a cop terrified her and the sight of blood was enough to make her keel over. The only thing that could make her a proud offspring to her parents was the fact that she had amazing grades throughout her academic trek. Though her parents showed their support and were proud of her, Aryan still felt rather incompetent trying to live up to a hero, a football star, the list goes on. After she graduated high school and all of her siblings had gone their separate ways, she decided to do the same, hoping that the distance from the small town she grew up in and her over-achieving parents would help her find her purpose.

Living apart from her family was taxing, but going to college was where she felt at ease. She felt challenged and pressured, but it was a good feeling; her purpose had taken that extra strain and effort she never felt in her previous years of school. Aryan had also confronted her fears regarding her sexuality being away from her family, she was free to finally explore and discover herself. Deciding to explore her options, she took up liberal arts, dabbling in everything before coming to the conclusion that she had a twinge in her heart for forestry. Aryan took it and ran, falling in love with the science of nature and its importance to nourish and build the world she felt she never would understand. Her purpose was found. After graduating from college, she immediately was drawn to the idea of being a forest ranger, the experience led her to have a job as a park ranger for Henderson National Park.


  • Master's degree in Forestry (specializes in the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits)
  • Intermediate tracker
  • Expert DIYer
Finished! You said there was a form up already?
This sounds rather interesting. If you have room for one more, I would like to take part in it. :)
We have one last spot, though two of our first members haven't replied to the starter yet.
Looks like you all might have gotten started a while ago, but if that last spot is still open I'd love to try and fill it!
Looks like you all might have gotten started a while ago, but if that last spot is still open I'd love to try and fill it!
Oh my gosh, I didn't see that there were a couple of other messages! Totally didn't mean to try and steal a spot from you or anything Dovah, my bad.
Eh, this group never really took off, but I appreciate the interest. Maybe it could've worked with the second wave of folks that were interested in it, but I don't know anymore. I'm trying to write up a new thing though, so maybe look out for that.~
Aw, well that's too bad. Really seemed like an awesome idea, especially with the summer season coming on in my hemisphere at least. A little indoor outdoorsmanship with the whole... global pandemic thing going on.
Eh, this group never really took off, but I appreciate the interest. Maybe it could've worked with the second wave of folks that were interested in it, but I don't know anymore. I'm trying to write up a new thing though, so maybe look out for that.~
I was looking forward to it as well, I've been dying to do a horror RP for a bit now! :(
Screw it, let's get this one moving again, who knows when I'll get this kind of interest again. @TheDovah, @GillyFars, go ahead and make sheets. I'll clear the people that left the rp from the roster and add you folks. Luckily, none of them ever replied, so the slate is clear for the two of you to jump in!

images.jpg [Face Claim]

= NAME =
Harriet Bellars
= AGE =
5'4 and athetic
= BIO =
Harriet was born in the city of New York and enjoyed an average childhood. She expressed a desire to become a park ranger around the age of 15 and over the next five years, she started to join clubs, volunteer and take classes whilst working in retail. At the age of 20, she left Walmart for a better paying job and ended up moving to Canada after being offered a chance to work there. It resulted in her having to take out several loans and she enjoyed it. She loved the cold and the challenges it bought. She was noted for her kind personality and recently applied for a position at Henderson national park for a change of scenery.
Strong swimmer, survival training, basic levels of firearm handling and maintaince. An excellent cook. Knows some judo. Moderate tracke.

Here it is!​
So glad you decided to give it another go! I might take a bit to come up with a character but I'll get the sheet up ASAP!
if i don't post tomorrow, i will see if i can do it tomorrow morning. If not, it shall be done in the evening(UK time).
Hellooooo! It seems there hasn't been too much activity on this...but if it's still going, I'm totally interested! I LOVE Firewatch and I've been a longtime follower of Trevor 😊 Just figured I'd check~
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