Here Goes

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Here Goes


six sticky skeletons
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Hi there! Rix is the name. I've been actively role playing for far too long, and I'm here looking for something new and exciting, I suppose. Creative juices are flowing so it's time to water some plot seeds.

I'm almost thirty, though I try to forget. I enjoy hobbies, definitely not work. I cook, I paint, I draw, none of which I'm good at. I have three cats and a dog who thinks she is a cat. I'm, overall, pretty friendly, and prefer to leave all of the biting to my characters.

Writing-wise, I enjoy intricate world-building, a lot of character development, and any and all fantasy settings! I will always be down for a DnD-esque RP. Plot and smut are equally important to me, and I don't like it when one overshadows the other. I enjoy both dark, gory, gut-wrenching plots as well as wholesome fluff. My preferred partner is someone who is active, willing to communicate, and honest about what they enjoy. Good grammar skills matter but they are secondary to a style of descriptive writing that just pulls you in and characters with a lot of substance.

That being said, I don't think I have much else to disclose. Shoot me a message if you want to chat.
It's time to work on a request thread, then.

Welcome to the site! You already found chat, so you know where to go if you need any answers or just want to hang out.

You will find DnD esqe folks pretty easy to find! I "run" a few group stories and there are a bunch of one on ones throughout the request threads. If you don't see something matching your ideas start your own thread and draw all the thirsty folks to your imaginings.

Welcome! 👋🏳️‍🌈
Hello and welcome. I hope you find what you're looking for here.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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