Here Lies The Dread Queen

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Here Lies The Dread Queen


The Dread Queen
Local time
Today 8:02 PM
Hello everyone.

So, I just wrote this really nice snippet for my profile, so I'm just copying it, and I'll add a few new details/not given details here as well.

I am a twenty year old (c. 2020) female looking for mostly female roleplayers. I'm queer, but that usually doesn't come up because the characters are sort of the main focus, but I do like meeting new people similar to me like this. Also, I work two jobs, so I may not always respond because I can be very busy. Other than these things, I've been writing since I was... I remember writing a story about me and my kindergarten cheerleading squad the day after the big show-thing, so since I was six? I don't typically count it until it could be considered 'decent' or 'acceptable' writing though, so when I was twelve-ish? I'm terrible with time, but it's been a very long time. I don't only write to roleplay, I write novels, short stories, D&D or SWS campaign-stuff, and fanfiction when I'm bored when I'm not roleplaying. I can offer a writing sample, but I'll do that in my actual roleplay request thread.

Now, to the good stuff:

I do not like to roleplay FxM when it comes to any sort of romance. I love it as friends, but in rare occasion, I can be tempted to play the male part. I know more, and prefer to roleplay, about queer people. So when it comes to romance, FxF and MxM are choice.

As to the genres I enjoy, it really depends. I love magic and assassins all the time, as well as powerful women going through rough patches in the most realistic way the setting allows, and flamboyant men who would bring popcorn to watch the world burn.

As to the 'races' of characters (I never understood why it's called 'races' and not 'species' because biology is entirely different, but that's a rant for another time), in fantasy, I enjoy playing humans, vampires, elves of some sort, fae, genetically enhanced/super soldier/mutants, warlocks/sorcerers, and demons or infernal beings of some sort. There are others (like driders, I suppose), but these are the most common to be chosen.

I do prefer that there is some form of romance in the roleplays, but it's not an absolute must-have. I'm always intrigued by a wonderful story/plot, so feel free to approach me with most anything. The worst I can do is say no, and even then I'll be the nicest I can about it.

What I do not like, however is anything that is based too much in real life, ie college romance or office-based sort of things. I like to escape and explore other realities in my roleplaying and writing, but that doesn't mean there can't be some mundane elements, in fact that's definitely for the best to create a mostly-believable and possible worlds.

About posting time... I can range from between multiple replies a day, to once every two days, and it's not uncommon for me to ghost people. And I use this turn to express that I will burn out and need a month or two break before I can dive back in, but if you're willing to wait, I could write with you for years (although that's never happened with me before because most people can't handle the 'breads'). All that being said, I will extend all the same courtesies that you do if not more because the world isn't the best, but online, where we're not limited by reality per se, there's no need to be hateful or mean.

With all that out of the way, I'm looking forward to meeting people to roleplay with and even make some friends along the way.
Hello and welcome to the sanctum!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around!
I'm a little late, but welcome to the Sanctum! I hope you enjoy your stay here! 🧡
~ Enters fashionably late ~

Welcome, darling!! Hope you enjoy yourself here. Cheers!
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