MxM Here we go....again, again

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MxM Here we go....again, again

Ruby Waters

Local time
Today 7:09 PM
Sorry to those who I have waiting, I'm in a sort of depressive slump. It happens and I have soo much going on in the day that by the time I sit down at night I'm completely drained. It is exhausting and I'm doing my best (aren't we all?) But I'd really like something new and fresh to pull me out of this slump so I'm looking for something rather specific.

What I'm like
  • I don't do one liners, and though each post varies and I understand perfectly well that each scene is unique to its own story. I will not except anything less than a paragraph and am hoping for something a little more...hmm, what's the word? Written in depth?? Not sure how to describe what I'm craving.
  • I'm not always on, and as said my life is a bit hectic during the day so I can't always be on. I need a patient partner.

My Cravings
  • I'm seeking something more in a fantasy/medieval/'historic' sort of genre. Though I am far from an expert and would never expect my partner to be. I like to create worlds and play with rules and bend facts to my own will. Fantasy/Medieval genre's are normally perfect for that
  • I love dark settings, twisted tales, and lots of emotional drama. Not cliched things, but plots that have you feeling for the character and situations that keep my fingers alive with desire to write.
  • I am hoping for something a little more smutty than normal. My normal is about 20%/80% - smutt to plot. I firmly believe in plot over smut and will always like it to develop on its own, but lately I'm seeking something with definite chance of smutt. ((this plot I have in mind would nearly guarantee it)) SO more like a 40%/60% smut to plot ratio.

The Idea Which Eatyth Away at me
I have this craving for an Arranged Marriage plot. Pretty basic, yea? Normally people like to do this with a royal like couple; you know, the prince is betrothed to a king and la-dee-da~ Well that is all and good, and if the plot is meaty enough and the characters good than I would be fine with that. But I do not want to restrict my options here. So here are a few ways I was thinking this sort of bare idea could go:

1. Muse (A) is the son a farmer. In a country where crops are their main export there are many farmers who supply the crops needed to quantify the desirable amount. However, even still there are many farmers who fight over land, and 'war' with each other. During the dry seasons crops are low and money with all the royal families are tight as well, the feuding between farmers is always greatest during this time. Two families in particular have never really got along well as they hold the largest farms below the mountains. Things in the last few years have been particularly bad.
Until that dry season when Muse (A)'s mother comes up with a plan, a truce of sorts, seeing as things aren't looking too good for all the citizens. However when details are discussed the best both families can come up with is a marriage between the families.

{Alright, some people would say: "well, in 'real medieval times' a marriage between two males isn't something that they do." This is where I say I like to bend rules}
Either we can say that the only two eligible options were Muse (A) and Muse (B) the oldest son's of both families. Or we can say that gay marriage is fine in this made up world.

Literally; I don't give a fuck (pardon my language) Writing is about creating what you want, so seriously anything goes.

2. Muse (A) is the only child of a loving, but elderly couple. Perhaps a little more 'upper class', but not quite nobles. His Father - maybe not really his parents - is dying, and desperately wants to make sure his son is looked after. Some way or how this turns into gifting his hand in marriage to an older bachelor Muse (B). Who for his own reasons has the need for a fake bride. So to him it does not matter that Muse (A) is a male.

It could go on in an awkward way to start and be a slow build up.

I don't actually have too big a preference for which muse's I would play, that is something I could further discuss with whoever takes this. And they are bare ideas so I would love someone who has creativity to share.

I think that's it for now...>.> so there. Once again, another request is up.
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