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Hello everyone! My name is Tate (she/he pronouns). I am a 24-year-old from the United States and I've been an avid text-based RPer for most of my life. I've been off for a couple of years to focus more on myself, but now I'm back at it and excited to get started on a new platform. I've never used Inner Sanctum before, but I look forward to getting to know everyone and starting a few RPs! I will be posting my characters and a few plot ideas shortly, but until then, a few basics...
  • I currently only role-play original characters. I will role-play with any fandom characters and adapt to their universe (within limits), but am not likely to play any characters but my own.
  • I use third-person past tense exclusively.
  • I am only interested in 1x1 RPs at this time.
  • My length of reply is typically between 2 to 4 paragraphs, depending on the need. I will typically try to match my partner's reply length.
  • My reply rate varies on my schedule and the length of the reply -- sometimes I will reply multiple times a day, sometimes it will take me a couple of days. I almost always reply within a week's time. Don't be afraid to gently remind me!
  • I will ship MxF, MxM, FxF, etc. as long as there is chemistry between our characters.
Genres I'm currently interested in RPing include: Crime (mafia/heist/cop v. crook), Horror (psychological/slasher/survival/torture), Suspense (psychological/mystery), Psychological Drama ("dark drama" including dysfunctional relationships, sexuality, mental disorders, abuse, social issues, etc.), Urban Fantasy, and Romance.

I look forward to meeting everyone!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum, if there are any questions feel free to ask :)
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
Hello Tate, welcome to I.S., I have no doubt that you will find more than a few stories that work for what you are looking for. It's a very active community with a lot of people looking for co-authors to write with. I wish you luck and hope you have a great time.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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