steps out of the void
Hey there,
Hope you are settling in ok, I don't think you will have any problems finding like minded writers here. They are a super talented bunch .
I am sure you have been getting your bearings and having a good look around and there is alot to take in so let me narrow the most important things that will ensure you the smoothest transition to the site.
READ the rules. There really isn't that many to make it worth skipping them for an 60 seconds of time .As there a couple there, that differ to alot of other sites and they sometimes trip ppl up.
( I know you have done this

Have a little look through the Requests thread, to see what ppl expect to find in a RT ....
Then go wild making your own. Remember it's just as important to say what you , do NOT WANT , as waxing lyrical about your passions.
When searching for partner , take the time to search at least 3 pages deep on the Requests thread because the bump rate keeps things moving with a quickness.
There are groups running at the moment,for those look for the corresponding OOC ( out of character) threads to introduce yourself.
Last of all HAVE FUN and enjoy.
There's a bunch of miscreants in chat who are good ppl and will help if they can, point you in the right direction if they can't.