Hey Everyone

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Hey Everyone


Scattered Brained Marshmallow
Local time
Yesterday 9:38 PM
Pacific Northwest
Hey there

I'm themestiza. I've been rping since I was 12 on and off and now I'm 20. I am more a fan of slice of life, modern rps. I really prefer to play the female but I am totally open to trying to play male. I'm trying to get better with reply lengths. I used to do one liners but one liners gets quite dull after awhile. I do like play same sex pairing and I am willing to try doubling up as well.

Besides rp background. I have a part time job. I am also trying to go back to school. I like to spend my times just at home hanging out and playing video games or watching movies. I'm pretty into comic books and superheros. I also play D & D in my free time. I also have two kitties that are pretty much my children.

Anyways if you want to rp with me or just want to chat and get to know me shoot me a message!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hi and welcome to the sanctum!
Welcome to the site! I've found some pretty good Slice of Life writers here. I think you'll fit right in!
Let me know if you have any questions. :)
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