Heya everyone!

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Heya everyone!

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Today 2:43 PM
Hey there everyone!

I'm an 18 year old student who'd like to get back to roleplaying now. I have some experience, but it's too limited, you know? I really do hope to meet new people here and have some fun and RP. I would kindly ask everyone to excuse my lack of skill and, if you feel like it, point at my mistakes and advise on what should I work on!

Likes: Modern Day RP, Fantasy, Supernatural
Dislikes: None at the moment :)

I really hope to get onboard with everyone(after I figure out how this forum works XD)

Have a good one, y'all!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Look forward to being corrupted.

I mean... Welcome to the Sanctum! ^^
Welcome to I.S. I hope you find what you're looking for here. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I hope you enjoy your stay here! I'm sure you'll find plenty of writing fellows and don't sweat being slightly new or even brand new, I mean, we were all new here once and we all had to start somewhere! Good luck to you and happy writing! :)
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