Hi I am Solenn!

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Hi I am Solenn!

Local time
Today 7:07 PM
Jacksonville, FL
Hi I am Solen,

I enjoy reading rps and have been reading from different sites, I am looking to start rping with someone who can guide and at the same time have some fun! This is new for me and would like to start off with simple rps. If you have any tips/advice, feel free me to shoot me a message <3
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Welcome again!! There are plenty of very talented folks around who I am sure would be more than willing to give you pointers! Also, check out the Melee if you want some critique of your writing. Good Luck!!
Hi I am Solen,

I enjoy reading rps and have been reading from different sites, I am looking to start rping with someone who can guide and at the same time have some fun! This is new for me and would like to start off with simple rps. If you have any tips/advice, feel me to shoot me a message <3

Asssuming my style appeals to you ill gladly discuss an rp with you.
Hey lostgypsy123,

Thanks for replying to my post. And I have also read quite a bit from your site as I stated in the chatroom, I very much like Becca.
If anything, in the future, it would be nice to rp with you!
Hey lostgypsy123,

Thanks for replying to my post. And I have also read quite a bit from your site as I stated in the chatroom, I very much like Becca.
If anything, in the future, it would be nice to rp with you!
Thank you for the flattery I am glad you enjoyed the webpage. Just drop me a pm and we can discuss possible plots. I am open minded but a few things obviously won't fit within the world setting. Hope to hear from you soon.
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