Hi! I'm new to this site and to roleplay!

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Hi! I'm new to this site and to roleplay!

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Today 2:48 AM
My name is Ashley and I figured the best way to get my feet wet in the world of roleplay is to say hello! I've always wanted to try roleplaying, but I was always nervous and intimidated, but now I think I'm ready! haha!

I'm 22 years old and I'm a dork from a small town in Texas. I love gaming, music, writing, singing, animals, my family, boyfriend and wonderful little dog, Sophie! And I'm not sure what else to say except, hello! :)
Hello!! Welcome to the Sanctum! ^_^ I hope you come to love it here!
If you run into any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to anyone. People with purple, blue, or green names are staff members, so we're *extra* qualified to be helpful. :P
Hello and welcome to the sanctum!
I'm pretty new myself having only gotten into RPing last year. :) No need to be intimidated! If you need anything just ask.

Doggos are the best! I've got a pair myself. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome! Always remember to have fun, that and fangirling over characters and plots are as important as bettering your writing style!
Welcome to the site! this is a great place for first time RPers.
Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to help!
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