Hi, other humans! (I hope.)

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Hi, other humans! (I hope.)

Local time
Today 5:19 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Pierce! You can call me Pie if you so wish because it is easier to say and type. I stereotypically go by she/her but I do not care if you refer to me via male or non-binary. I started roleplaying when I was around 9. That is what got me into roleplays and acting as such! I've been practicing writing and my acting skills with drama and emotion classes. Have a fantastic day to everyone! Don't have a good day, have a great day! - Guy from Free Guy (Ryan Reynolds)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Hello PierceInike, Welcome to I.S. I hope you find the stories you are looking for and get a chance to express those skills you've picked up in the stories you create. Have fun and happy writing.
Ah yes, humans doing as normal humans do such as…greeting 👀. It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I really hope you love it here!
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