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Hi there


Two things I love to do is fight and kiss boys!
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Today 12:26 AM
Hm a little about me.

Well I have been roleplaying for 17yrs I tend to enjoy M/M roleplay the most but can on occasion to M/F all depends. I tend to also do multi paragraphs. I love extreme roleplays and I tend to use Asian characters. I am very friendly and easy going and always open to ideas and having fun. I am self taught when it comes to punctuation so if I ever mess up just know it wasnt intentional. Also I tend to play the bottom/submissive that tend to be fiesty and a hand full in the normal life. This goes for M/F as well. :)
Welcome to the Sanctum! I'm glad you made your way over here. If you have a questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a message. See you in the forums.
Hi, Syanyte! Welcome to the Sanctum; we're glad to have you here. We've got role-players of all levels of experience and writing styles. I'm sure you'll fit right in!
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