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Hi I'm new. 25. Got a 9-5
Have Rped on and off during my college years. I'm a bit rusty since I haven't written anything than work documents. I got the itch to return after joining dnd groups and no one actually rping (mostly dicking around and combat). So I'm here.
welcome to the site! <3
Welcome! <3
I'm new here, too, so it feels strange to be giving out welcomes, but, welcome! I've experienced that kind of behavior in DnD groups before and it can really feel aggravating. It's hard to know when someone is RPing their character or talking OOC. I have yet to find a DnD group that really gets into their characters. Maybe one of these days.
Hiya and welcome! You experience with DnD is not that uncommon, I've had the same issues. You can find a good group if you keep looking. I went through several on Roll20 and like you experienced nearly all combat and what little RP was done wasn't matched by the gm or the other players. I had one group that thought looting the mansion was RP because they talked a lot a back and forth. But there are groups that do Rp, I was lucky to find one, and it's been a blast. So hope is out there, but ... like you I did get tired of looking for more and decided writing might be a better way to get that, and yep, it worked like a charm! I even have two DnD group stories going in addition to the romanticy Rps.

There are a ton of amazing people on this site, and it won't be long before you're embarking on your journeys with them. If you have any questions while you are poking around the site, there are always a few friendly folks in chat that are more than happy to help, including a few lurking staff usually.

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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