Hello~! Just as an introductory phase (though, if it sticks then that's fine) you can call me Goob. I'm no beginner to rp- I'd say I have a few years of experience, so I shouldn't be lost! I love to write all types of genres; historical, fantasy, romance, apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic... so on. I'm a bit iffy and lost on sci-fi, but if we do give it a shot and I'm guided through it to a small extent I'm quite open to it overall!
But yeah, my overall favorite genres tends to be historical, light fantasy and romance.
I tend to reply pretty consistently. I can't promise to do so all the time, of course, but I will try to let you know in advance if I'm expecting to be a bit busier in the future. I respond daily, though I do like for my replies to have as much quality as possible so, if I do take more than usual for a response it's often because I'm putting more effort into it! A reminder or two is welcome if it seems abnormal though, in case I've forgotten or had a complication (this isn't common, don't worry!) My response length tends to range from 500-1000 words, usually in the middle of the spectrum.
I'm not super apt for writing gore or violence. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with it, it's that I've focused primarily on more emotional aspects of my writing in my experience that I may not be very familiar with it as I am with other things. But I am open to it mostly, except for extreme gore with extremely graphic imagery - that can get a bit uncomfortable. I know it's a bit subjective, but if there's a chance that you may want to explore gore in a more extreme way we can have a more in-depth conversation and compromise beforehand!
In terms of 'explicit' content, I don't mind the incorporation of it but I don't see it as a necessity. So, I am open to compromise based on your preferences, but I'm also okay without incorporating it at all. I often like to look at it as a way to enhance what's already there, so I would prefer that we have a solid base rather than creating everything only to serve nsfw. Nothing wrong with it, just not my cup of tea.
Plots and ideas: like I've mentioned, my scope is very wide. But here's a few things I revisit in my mind quite often, that I'd really love to explore:
- Historical settings: like, relatively close to the actual historical setting. I'll say though I'm definitely no expert in history or politics or anything of the sort, so I'm not holding anyone to a high standard in this sense! It's just something I find neat.
An example I've really been looking to explore recently is the roaring 20s
Also, I love love love tragic romance. The kind that leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth. So here are some of my favorite ideas for that:
Past life lovers.
This can go in a variety of ways. Like, my favorite way this can go is, A and B were (obviously) lovers in their past life, preferably centuries ago and as important figures for politics, arts, whatever. Just something memorable. Memorable enough to have some sort of information on centuries into the future, their new life.
So they hear all these stories and artistic interpretations and re-tellings of their love story from their past life, slowly incorporating 'flashbacks' of this life so they come to remember their lost love.
Another way this could go is, if for one, A is a regular human who died and was reborn. And B is something else, maybe a human who just... lives centuries long and looks just as they are? So B realizes A is their lost love, but it's angsty because A cannot seem to remember. And it can be hurt comfort, hurt no comfort, whatever strikes your fancy from then on.
Tragic understanding
- This kind of ties into the more 20s aspect of the glorified, bedazzled celebrity life with little regard for the many issues in industries of fame. Exploitation, overwork, so on...
So a plot I've had in mind for a while is a victim of this situation and some form of salvation in their, I don't know, manager, stylist? Someone whose close to them without necessarily being a friend, and their relationship develops from there.
Forcefully separate
God I love this one so much. I'd say this contextually makes the most sense in a fantasy setting, because both characters A and B need to be long living beings for it to work. So, A and B are of completely different statuses. It really depends on the kind of fantasy creature they are (a lot of room for discussion with this), but for example, A is royalty and B is like, a half blood hunter, or something. Something keeps them separate (physically) and only allows them to meet under specific circumstances, or at specific time junctions, etc. They're both deeply in love, but the horrible longing that comes with the literal years or even centuries in which they can meet - seems like a promising prompt!
But yeah, post apocalyptic is also nice. I don't think about this too often so I don't have a prepped prompt, but I'm very happy to explore this. Also, slice of life and something more lighthearted or drama oriented would be great too!
Please don't hesitate to message me if there's any interest! I'm more than happy to compromise!
But yeah, my overall favorite genres tends to be historical, light fantasy and romance.
I tend to reply pretty consistently. I can't promise to do so all the time, of course, but I will try to let you know in advance if I'm expecting to be a bit busier in the future. I respond daily, though I do like for my replies to have as much quality as possible so, if I do take more than usual for a response it's often because I'm putting more effort into it! A reminder or two is welcome if it seems abnormal though, in case I've forgotten or had a complication (this isn't common, don't worry!) My response length tends to range from 500-1000 words, usually in the middle of the spectrum.
I'm not super apt for writing gore or violence. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with it, it's that I've focused primarily on more emotional aspects of my writing in my experience that I may not be very familiar with it as I am with other things. But I am open to it mostly, except for extreme gore with extremely graphic imagery - that can get a bit uncomfortable. I know it's a bit subjective, but if there's a chance that you may want to explore gore in a more extreme way we can have a more in-depth conversation and compromise beforehand!
In terms of 'explicit' content, I don't mind the incorporation of it but I don't see it as a necessity. So, I am open to compromise based on your preferences, but I'm also okay without incorporating it at all. I often like to look at it as a way to enhance what's already there, so I would prefer that we have a solid base rather than creating everything only to serve nsfw. Nothing wrong with it, just not my cup of tea.
Plots and ideas: like I've mentioned, my scope is very wide. But here's a few things I revisit in my mind quite often, that I'd really love to explore:
- Historical settings: like, relatively close to the actual historical setting. I'll say though I'm definitely no expert in history or politics or anything of the sort, so I'm not holding anyone to a high standard in this sense! It's just something I find neat.
An example I've really been looking to explore recently is the roaring 20s
Also, I love love love tragic romance. The kind that leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth. So here are some of my favorite ideas for that:
Past life lovers.
This can go in a variety of ways. Like, my favorite way this can go is, A and B were (obviously) lovers in their past life, preferably centuries ago and as important figures for politics, arts, whatever. Just something memorable. Memorable enough to have some sort of information on centuries into the future, their new life.
So they hear all these stories and artistic interpretations and re-tellings of their love story from their past life, slowly incorporating 'flashbacks' of this life so they come to remember their lost love.
Another way this could go is, if for one, A is a regular human who died and was reborn. And B is something else, maybe a human who just... lives centuries long and looks just as they are? So B realizes A is their lost love, but it's angsty because A cannot seem to remember. And it can be hurt comfort, hurt no comfort, whatever strikes your fancy from then on.
Tragic understanding
- This kind of ties into the more 20s aspect of the glorified, bedazzled celebrity life with little regard for the many issues in industries of fame. Exploitation, overwork, so on...
So a plot I've had in mind for a while is a victim of this situation and some form of salvation in their, I don't know, manager, stylist? Someone whose close to them without necessarily being a friend, and their relationship develops from there.
Forcefully separate
God I love this one so much. I'd say this contextually makes the most sense in a fantasy setting, because both characters A and B need to be long living beings for it to work. So, A and B are of completely different statuses. It really depends on the kind of fantasy creature they are (a lot of room for discussion with this), but for example, A is royalty and B is like, a half blood hunter, or something. Something keeps them separate (physically) and only allows them to meet under specific circumstances, or at specific time junctions, etc. They're both deeply in love, but the horrible longing that comes with the literal years or even centuries in which they can meet - seems like a promising prompt!
But yeah, post apocalyptic is also nice. I don't think about this too often so I don't have a prepped prompt, but I'm very happy to explore this. Also, slice of life and something more lighthearted or drama oriented would be great too!
Please don't hesitate to message me if there's any interest! I'm more than happy to compromise!