Closed High Fantasy One-Shot Characters and Discussion

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Closed High Fantasy One-Shot Characters and Discussion


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Today 4:21 AM
Been wanting to be involved in a consistent group RP, but they tend to fizzle out after awhile. Just throwing out some feelers.

What I'm looking for is 4-5 writers for a fantasy short story. My main goal is always to try and do some personal world building at the same time, so to keep things consistent, please give me permission to add some of your ideas to my world thread.

Potential Plot Idea
Nothing concrete yet, but your characters, already famed for their adventuring skills, would be sought out by royalty for a special mission. The gold that the King/Queen is willing to offer each of you upon the mission's completion is too large an amount to pass up, and so you simply cannot refuse.
Each of your characters have been handpicked and sent personal letters by the King's steward in the hopes of completing this mission. (Assassination? Slay a dragon? Retrieve a precious item? The mission will be built around your character's different backgrounds.) You have all made your way to a very prominent city in the lands of Almeria, and the story will begin right as you enter the palace room doors.
The setting is still open for discussion, as I'm currently deciding between beginning the adventure in a dark underground city, or a lavish high elven society. The setting will reflect what kinds of things your characters have done to become famous. Are they heros? Or does their name travel out of fear?

Building Your Character
Your characters should be very capable people, as it's for this very reason that the steward has reached out to you in the first place.
It's always hard to be the first one to write a character, but for every subsequent one, try and establish relations with other people's characters as well. Have you heard of them before? Perhaps they are a rival you have a distaste for? Maybe a long lost adventuring buddy and now the stars have aligned for yet another mission? Or are they so famous in fact that it makes you feel intimidated, and it might throw you off your game?
Try and create at least one or two established relations, as I've realized that starting the story with none of the characters knowing each other can sometimes mean the story ends before it has even begun.
As for your origins, you can be as creative as you like.

Character Listing Layout
Age(Date/Place of birth):
Sexual Orientation:
Weapon Choice:
Magic Abilities/Innate Powers:
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Name: Thril Blackpike
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Spell Blade
Age(Date/Place of birth): 28/ City of Cadena in the kingdom of Crozia
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Language(s): Common tongue/ Dwarven/ Bit of Elvish
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Mercenary, bounty hunter
Weapon Choice: Longsword
Religion: Atheist

Magic Abilities/Innate Powers: Ice powers/magic. Can form icicles to fling at the enemy, coat surfaces with thin ice to render it slippery, can form protective ice around his body or those of his allies, can form an ice barrier for protection or sealing. Can control body temperature and cooldown in hot temperatures, can coat his sword in ice to inflict debilitating strikes/wounds, can use the same effect to shatter his enemy's weapon after repeated strikes.

Family/Friends/Allies: While Thril has no family as an orphan, he created many friendships and unlikely allies in many places as a worldly traveler and mercenary. He is quite well known in many a tavern and many a shopkeeper in various cities know him by sight and name, always granting him discounts, information, and other different forms of aid. Not all do it out of obligation but rather many do it out of gratitude for his help in times past. He counts a few adventurers among his friends which is a rarity in of itself and among them was the wood nymph Ehretia.

He happened upon her by chance in a guild once in some city long ago when he was looking for work and somehow curiosity overrode his preference for isolation and the two become a reluctant duo on their first job then and there. Thril was not the best conversationalist but he did try and it was Ehretia was slower to open up, especially with the way Thril questioned her incessantly about random things which naturally put her on guard, but that was only temporary as they worked together time and time again, developing a sense of teamwork and a growing trust in each other.

Likes: Money, Women, alcohol, his work, reputation.

Dislikes: Assholes, free labour, kissing up to people, authority, being controlled.

Strengths: Athletic, master of the sword, strong-willed, fast reflexes, above average strength, ice magic, physical and mental toughness, high pain tolerance, experience in battle, worldly.

Weaknesses: Reckless, most of his actions are driven by greed and money, does not respond to orders or authority most of the time.

Fears: dying unknown, being shackled to someone through any means, having no wealth after retiring, dying with regrets.

Personality: Amicable enough to most people, warm and close to family and friends but to outsiders he is cordial but cold and aloof. Good-natured but his actions are mostly driven by his desire for monetary gain so he would appear to others as someone who is rude and heartless and cold.

Background: Born orphaned and forced to survive the streets of the capital city, Thril had to fight tooth and nail for every privilege he earned, every piece of coin, food, and clothing, he had to struggle for and almost die on many an occasion to get what he got. This rough upbringing forged Thril into a hardened young man and one who knew the value of wealth and status, he knew people viewed you differently based on who you are and what you wore. After coming of age, he made it his life's goal to become a somebody and to have wealth and status, to never again suffer the injustice and humiliation of this cruel world no more, but to revel in his success and partake of every pleasure imaginable for him for he has been deprived long enough. He was street-savvy, strong growing up and learned more than a few tricks in his childhood and those skills translated into adulthood, being able to pickpocket people, pick out targets of opportunity and to know when to ambush people and how to manipulate them into doing what he wants or giving what he needed. Of course, he also learned his way with the sword and later on by accident, his aptitude for magic specifically with ice properties. With these talents and earned skills, Thril quickly made a name for himself as a young and rising mercenary, accomplishing feats rapidly and earning reputation quickly as someone who was reliable and efficient, if somewhat greedy and reckless as he always finished his jobs as expediently without care for collateral damage or other specific requests, and he was notoriously known for his ruthless almost cutthroat bargaining with his employers. His crowning achievement so far was the time he successfully saved a city from a trio of wyverns that migrated nearby and started causing terror in the countryside to animal and citizen alike, having hunted down and beheaded each beast successfully, offering their heads to the city as a gift and proof of success and getting a sizable reward for it in addition to even more recognition for his efforts.


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  • Love
Reactions: Ice
I hereby state my interest.

Name: Ehretia Minilna, 'Erie' to friends.
Gender: Female
Race: Forest Nymph, a race of humanoid plant-infused beings with green skin, plant features, and a very long lifespan
Class: Ranger/Druid
Age(Date/Place of birth): 59 (though it's the equivalent of 20 human years) (born in Yunuth, Nimwoods)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair: Green with a red streak across
Eyes: Blue
Fae (woods dialect)
Fluent: Common, Elvish (woods dialect)
Rudimentary: Various including Centaur, two Gnomish languages, and Orcish (plains dialect)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (slightly prefers men)
Occupation: Explorer, Fighter-for-hire, sometimes scout or guide
Weapon Choice: Halbert, magic
Religion: The Fae have a full pantheon, and outright ignoring any of their Gods is considered risky (though it's sometimes done to display dedication to a particular deity by spurring others they dislike). Ehretia pays tributes to all but prioritizes Cretheis, the personification of the horizon and guardian of travellers and hospitality

Magic Abilities/Innate Powers:
Fae body:
Ehretia is a Nymph, which means her body is a mix of mammal and plant. She can gain energy from sunlight by photosynthesis, but otherwise she's exclusively carnivorous. The thorns on her body secrete a toxic agent that prevents blood from clotting and prevents wounds from healing. Her fingers end in claw-like nails that can cut flesh and leather but not piece anything metal or stronger. Her mouth comes with short fangs between sharp teeth and her saliva has the same toxicity as her venom. She moves 20% faster than humans of her size tend to, which makes her very fast by their standards in running and physical feats. On the flipside, she is physically slightly weaker, her bones are more brittle, and she is quite sensitive to temperatures outside of medium comfortable ranges.

Forest magic: Ehretia draws upon the circle of being to cast her magics. By tapping into Birth, she can heal beings by touch, restore energy to exhausted people and animals, boost the growth of plants and neutralize many poisons. By tapping into Decay, she can inflict necrotic wounds not unlike mace hits on any flesh she touches, have plants wither and die as she touches them. As a very young Fey, she can only affect what she directly touches, with very little leeway, but her grasp can pack a punch for good or ill.

Family/Friends/Allies: Nymphs that venture out of the woods into greater society are expected to be positive representatives for the Fae, and Ehretia is from a well-off house within her native Fey City, so both in and out her forest she maintains respectful relationships with former employers, close and distant relatives (all are Nymphs, though), as well as former allies.

Ehretia has worked with Thril on no less than three separate occasions. The first time it involved finding and subsequently eradicating a bandit encampment in a dense and hard to traverse forest, the second time a hunt for a Hydra that had moved into a trading route, and the latest instance was an excavation of an old temple since overrun by wildlands. Initially the nymph preferred to keep her distance to the sellsword, as she became very nervous around his ice magic (a type that Ehretia as a part-plant is very sensitive to). After running into him a second time though, she thawed (heh!) a bit and found the man a very useful ally to hang around when vicious beasts were around, and by the third time she didn't mind joining him for drinks during the lulls in the action of the guarding and foraging duties. How the sellsword reacted to the green-skinned young woman who ate meat raw but with excellent table manners, is up to him.

[May edit in the future as more characters join]

Likes: Exploring, dancing, music, swimming, hunting, nature, pretty clothing

Dislikes: Fire, cold, dry environments, having to sit still or be quiet, polluted places, disrespect towards her or her race

Strengths: Wildness survival, navigation, adept combatant, healing magic, agility, good-mannered, well-educated, driven

Weaknesses: Naive, holds grudges, prone to overreaction, physically weak, unable to cope with certain extreme environments

Fears: Disgrace, humiliation, fire

Personality: Energetic and outgoing, Ehretia likes to make friends and likes hanging with friends. She's honourable and fairly dependable, which are good qualities for an adventurer. Being raised rich and secure, and being taught to value connections and appearances as much as actual wealth, she's quite generous and welcoming to others. But if she feels slighted, she makes a 180 and can go full throttle against someone. She very much can show that crossing the Fae, intentionally or otherwise, is a very bad decision to make.

The Fae aren't a race, they are a group consisting of many kinds of creatures that have a greater than average attunement to magic. Not all get along with each other, but those that do tend to form enclaves around 'uncivilized' areas where they build their own cities within the wilds, some quite old, that form a counterbalance against the surrounding civilizations. Some of these form city-states or otherwise ignore outside rule, but others have good outside relations and even have sworn fealty to rulers if the Fae consider it worthwhile to align them fully.

The forest nymphs, a race of human-like Fae whose defining characteristic is that they are more plant than most creatures but still a lot more mammal than, say, dryads, are a relatively common race amongst the Fae. They're similar in size to humans, green-skinned and usually green-haired (though colour variations are known to occur), with plant features in their body ranging from bark skin to roots growing out of their body to leaves opening between their hair. They take over 40 years to mature, and then can live up to 1000 years old, though most die by 500. A forest nymph city is fairly spacious, often built between forest trees over a large area with very low population density, centered around a more proper large building where the city leadership resides. Their society is based around family dynasties, with their long lives meaning key figures of power can shape the city developments over hundreds of years.

Nymphs don't often leave their cities, but they are allowed to and young Nymphs that are of age sometimes make treks to see the outside world before they settle into home life. Outside nymphs are either called Dirrigers, or Banished, if they left by force, or Hinnu, meaning To return, if they've chosen to leave but are expected to re-join their house in due time. When a Nymph decides to take extended time to venture into the lands of the 'civilized' races, often the ones just surrounding the wildlands the Nymphs protect, they tend to take jobs that let them satisfy the wanderlust that drew them out of the forest in the first place. They make excellent scouts, pathfinders, or magical warriors (depending on their education and aptitude for magic), and are quite sought for these positions. As their society places a high emphasis on long-term relations, Nymphs tend to gravitate towards nobler or more respected clientele. Some human or elven trading houses have long-standing connections to specific Nymph families to provide spots for their offspring to travel with them into new ventures, and at least one elite archaeological society loves to bring them on their explorations. It's not unheard of to find Nymphs who settle down outside the forest in mundane jobs or fall in love with someone while on their journey and stay out to start a family, but it is very rare.

Ehretia is a Hinnu, a Forest Nymph who has chosen to leave her family for a while to go explore the world outside the one she grew up in. She was born the second child of four, in a branch of a minor noble family within the forest city of Yunuth. The city is located in a forest the humans call the Nimwoods, and many (human) generations ago after some mild altercations the Nymph city acknowledged human rule and laws on paper, and since pays taxes, maintains roads though the area, does a fair bit of trade with the civilized cities, and generally does what they need to do to stay on the human's good side. Over a long childhood (she didn't come of age until she was 50 years old) Ehretia gained a good education and a good understanding of outsiders, as her direct family was in charge of maintaining and securing one of the few key trade routes through the Nimwoods. They got rich off duties and services to the caravans, and quite a few Nymphs worked under them to provide housing, food and water supplies, and sometimes other things to the traders.

Ehretia was never truly enthusiastic over the life ahead of her. Middle management wasn't really her style. She preferred to do things hands-on, tackle things personally, and she drank in stories that traveled across the roads about faraway exotic lands containing all sorts of creatures and peoples. Before she was forty, Ehretia declared her intention to travel out. Her parents didn't make an issue of it, she wasn't first in line and it was a trait of the young to want to see what was beyond the horizon. So when she was fifty-one years old, Ehretia was given all she needed and passage along with a caravan to start sightseeing.

The first year went roughly as expected, but Ehretia's parents had provided her with enough money to last about a year. Then she would return, they'd no doubt thought. Ehretia didn't want that, so she signed up for an expedition to find a caravan that had gotten lost in wolf country. From there the ball got rolling: one job led to another, Ehretia's exotic background made her sought after, and her skills grew quickly. She had a taste for the wilds, as much a pathfinder and trailblazer as she was a sellsword, and if you had a problem that didn't stay within city walls Ehretia Minilna was the gal you needed - for a price, of course. While initially she served as supplement to fighting forces, her skill with her light halberd has let her carve out her fame with blood as well.

Ehretia never had a real 'breakthrough' job, as she doesn't often do jobs by herself and fame shared is rarely as great as fame won alone, although she's by no means modest about her deeds. She's a capable fighter, a potent mage, a deadly hunter, and over the past seven years she's been racking up an impressive record and a good success rate. She's also playing for more than subsistence now, as her price keeps rising.


Ehretia and Dani crossed paths on less friendly terms: About two years ago Ehretia was part of the escort of a caravan packed with artisan wares and expensive materials, along a fairly dangerous route. When one of the wagons had some mechanical issue and was lagging behind, Ehretia slowed down her own pace alone. Before she or the driver knew what happened, bandits sprung their ambush and jumped on the cart. Ehretia was armed, but outnumbered, and spent the time swiping at mobile fairies which sometimes were there and sometimes turned out to only exist to her eyes specifically. Dani's group made off with a small fortune worth of things while Ehretia was occupied and reinforcements were still doubling back across the road. The whole thing left Ehretia with a black mark on her reputation for getting ambushed in forest terrain as a nymph, cost her most of the pay for the contract, and she has not forgotten the scar-marked face that did it. She's not going to be happy to work with any bandit, much less one that outplayed her.

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I'd like to submit a character as well. This character started as an NPC in my own world, but I always wanted to try her out. I've modified her so she would better fit in a generic work-in-progess world. I'm also going to look over the other characters for possible connections.

Name: Angela-Grace
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Warrior-Cleric (Similar to Paladin)
Age(Date/Place of birth): 25/AG was born in a small logging town called Coytown
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Hair: Long, thick and blonde tinged with pinkish hues in the sunlight
Eyes: Purple
Language(s): The Common tongue of men
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual- prefers women
Occupation: High Priestess, Servant of the Father and Smiter of all things Evil
Weapon Choice: Longsword
Religion: The Father God, the All-Seeing, the Merciful Peacemaker, Kalidor, the One True God

Magic Abilities/Innate Powers:
--AG has minor healing abilities, Lay on Hands. Using rituals she can also help cure diseases and poison afflictions. On rare occasions she has been able to cure blindness. She can also use a Cleansing Touch to held remove a magical affliction upon another being.
--She can Detect Evil, this is a constant effect, radiating outwards to a radius of about 25 feet
--Divine Health; AG is immune to disease and poisons
--Divine Aura; AG's mere presence amongst the masses often has a soothing, almost encouraging effect on the many (Minor NPCs only). This aura offers minor protection and courage effects. (Imagine a charismatic leader leading the charge into combat, his followers finding the courage to follow.)
--Shield of Faith; when invoked, it offers protection (not immunity) from attacks except for melee or hand to hand attacks.
--Sword of Faith; when invoked, her sword is wrapped in a pure white flame that causes extra damage to innately evil creatures and beings
--Heroism; AG is fearless in battle and Blessed with heightened strength, stamina and agility
--AG is a very competent and skilled horsewoman

Family/Friends/Allies: Angela-Grace grew up in an orphanage in Coytown from the age of 8 years old, when her parents died tragically in a fire. After events described in the background section below she mostly grew up in monasteries and convents until she was taught to harness her powers and made into a servant of the One True God. She has few real friends, and she often finds herself coveting those types of relationships. She considers the Forces of Good and all worshippers of the One True God to be her allies.

Likes: AG likes and appreciates the simple things in life. Like song, dance and laughter and she has grown to be a talented singer in her own right. She has grown to like the taste of wines and while she's often seen as awkward in social situations she enjoys social gatherings, once she drops her usually stoic façade. She enjoys treating and playing with children and she loves natural animals of all kinds. Peace and serenity.

Dislikes: Disloyalty, cowardice, dishonour. As a champion for the poor and the weak she hates bullies and those who would take advantage of the less fortunate. She dislikes most insects, often suggesting they come from the fiery pits of Hell to cause discomfort to those on the prime plane of existence. AG dislikes large bodies of water and rushing rivers. She dislikes physical wealth, preferring the wealth of peace provided by her faith.

Strengths: Angela-Grace is a skilled swordswoman and combatant, well trained and gifted with divine luck and ability. She is very athletic, and she is a skilled acrobat. She knows the scripture and can recite it word for word and she is familiar with most religious rituals of her chosen faith.

Despite the bank of worldly knowledge she has explored and retained, thanks to the extensive libraries and higher learning colleges within the religious orders, she is very naïve in the ways of the world. She has little practical experience of the world outside the high walls of Sanctuary. Street smarts and common sense often elude her as she's mostly focused on the logical, rather than the practical. She also cannot swim, at all.

Fears: AG has a fear of deep and rushing water. She also fears a breaking of the connection between her and her faith, despite the fact that she has grown rather disillusioned by some of her Churches more recent policies and its seemingly corrupt higher officials.


Personality: Angela-Grace is a kind, generous young woman. She's caring towards the innocent, usually willing to stop and render aid to those in need. She has a soft spot for children, the poor and the downtrodden. She's a very serious person most of the time, but when her playful side comes out, she can seem like little more than a young girl. On the other hand, when she's on the hunt for evil she's dedicated and focused on the cause. She gives no quarter or no mercy to those who would oppose The One True God's light. She can be at times brooding and overly serious, rude and quick to anger. She's also loyal to those who work with her to abolish evil, and she wouldn't think twice to sacrifice her life for the greater good. When in more social situations she can often seem aloof and naïve, due mostly to her upbringing in convents and her constantly being surrounded by the religious orders.

Background: Angela-Grace was in fact, born Elizabeth Glenwood in a small fishing/logging town called Coytown. Her family was poor, but life wasn't all bad. Her parents were loving and her life in general was pleasant. However, the pleasant life she knew came to an end when she 8 years old. There was a fire in the village and many of the homes burned to the ground, including Elizabeth's home. Her mother and father died in the blaze, but Elizabeth remembers a woman with golden hair walking through the flames to pick her up and carry her to safety, delivering her into the arms of one of the villagers. The woman then disappeared, and no one knows who she was. Of course, the village was a common stopover for mercenaries and merchant groups so it might just have been a passing adventurer who saved her. The stories grew, and many who were witness suggested it was an angel sent by the One True God who saved her, and that she might be touched by the Heavens.

As a new orphan Elizabeth was delivered to a nearby Abbey, where she was raised until the age of 17. She was schooled in religious knowledge and taught how to read and write. She was also taught the basics on how to heal wounds and Herbalism. Many hoped she would become a nun, but after the age of twelve she became rather rebellious. She was constantly being punished for behaviour that was suspect and disrespectful. Regardless of her behaviour she was intelligent and observant. She absorbed whatever knowledge was placed before her. Halfway through her 17th year her life changed drastically once more. The Abbey was attacked by a small group of marauders who believed the Abbey would be easy pickings. They broke the gate and they attacked, killing and pillaging as they did. Elizabeth was hidden with the other children for a time, until one of the marauders found their hiding spot. As the evil man stepped forward about to take several innocent lives Elizabeth stood in his way, and when he swung, somehow he missed. With surprising speed Elizabeth drew the dagger from his very own belt and she thrust it into his chest, the dagger somehow cutting through the heavy mail he wore. As the man fell to the ground the children swore Elizabeth was bathed in a Holy light.

She took the dead marauder's sword and stepped out of the hiding place and she fought off the marauders with the help of a few of the locals. Again, the story that emerged from the event seemed to suggest some were seeing a golden Halo of light above her. When the battle was over Elizabeth was changed. In addition to the more profound and inner changes, her hair had taken on a pinkish hue and her eyes, went from a dull blue to a bright purple. It was as if the Holiest of Spirits had entered her and she knew then she would indeed be dedicating her life to the One True God. An angel had spoken to her, instructed her on where to go and what to do to prepare for the life of servitude. And this life would begin with a pilgrimage to the Island of Sanctuary, a journey that on foot would take some time. A week later, after consulting with the Abbot and spending many hours in prayer she set out. She set out barefoot, wearing a simple peasant's robe cinched at the waist by a silk cord. She carried a pouch slung over one shoulder in which she placed a skin of water and a few days food. She also carried a quarterstaff and a Holy Symbol gifted to her from the Abbot, a blessed thing, weathered and well worn. The symbol would allow her to find shelter and food at the many churches, chapels, monasteries and Abbey's along her journey.

It took her less than a year to reach the Cathedral at Sanctuary. A High Priestess had been expecting her arrival, having heard the stories of her past. While there were some who were skeptical of the stories this one High Priestess took her in and mentored her through the next several years of her life. Again her mind was like a sponge, absorbing all that was taught to her. Horsemanship, the Advanced healing Art of Laying on Hands, Hand to hand and Melee Combat. Because she was embarking on a new life the High Priestess saw fit to change the young woman's name. For all intents and purposes Elizabeth Glenwood was no more and Angela-Grace came into being. The Priestess explained that Angela-Grace stood for Graceful Angel. The High Priestess had no doubts this young woman had been touched by the One True God. When Angela-Grace turned 23 the High Priestess explained there was nothing more she could teach the young woman, she was equipped with the finest armour and weapons and horse they could find. She was to set out once more to fulfill her destiny.

Over the past few years she has seen how corrupt certain higher officials in the church have become. In some places these officials have taken advantage of the flocks they are meant to oversee. While she has shared her concerns with her mentor, the senior of the 7 Servants, this High Priestess has simply told AG to look away and keep to her own business. While she believes in what the Church stands for, she fears the corruption runs deep, though for the time being she can only pray for guidance from her God in the heavens above. This disillusionment is why she has taken to traveling and over the years she's built a reputation as a Champion of Good in the realm.

The Servants of Heaven: There are 7 High Priestesses in the church hierarchy, also known as The Seven, or the Servants of Heaven and they are the only females to hold positions of power in the otherwise male dominant church. The most senior of these leads the others from the single convent on the Island of Sanctuary. The Seven are often called upon to lead crusades or other forces of good where needed. A few, like AG often leave alone to wander the world, to preach and fight evil where it might hide.
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I'd also like to contribute a character as well, if you're still taking them.

Gender: Male
Race: Human (Longtooth Shifter)
Class: Echo Knight
Age(Date/Place of birth): 24/Born in a lawless town called Ashburn
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair: Black, short and untamed
Eyes: Sunset golden red with black slit pupils
Language(s): Common/some Elvish/Giant
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Mercenary & Adventurer
Weapon Choice: Hand-axes
Religion: Simply believes in a higher power/existence

Magic Abilities/Innate Powers:
Grit can Shift into his bestial form
--Due to his Longtooth bloodline, he has extremely keen senses, battle prowess, ferocity, and agility
--Fierce and Intimidating, by nature, he gives off an aura of danger
--As an Echo Knight, he can conjure an Echo of himself that he can freely manipulate; being able to attack through his Echo as well as switch places with it
Old Man Grey & Aunty M... TBD (If anyone wants to work out a connection with me just let me know)
Fights, Women, Money, The hunt, Satisfying his primal desires
Haughty people, the weak, authority, losing, being looked down upon
Blood of an apex predator, Grit is a natural born fighter. He excels at tracking with his keen sense of smell, and even while in human form is both extremely agile. Loyal to those that truly accept him.
Depending on the circumstances, his keen sense of smell can be used against him or rendered useless. Due to his natural predatory-like nature, he can be extremely impulsive and rush into danger without a second thought or plan. Staying in his transformed state for too long can hinder his ability to discern friend from foe, which is why he usually takes solo missions or makes sure that he is separated from his group when he decides to shift. Takes a good while for him to truly trust those around him, and sometimes his baser intuitions can overturn his more rational mind
Fears: Losing someone he's bonded with through the revelation of his True Nature, Being an eternal outcast
Personality: +Adaptable +Courageous +Perceptive -Abrasive -Impulsive -Arrogant
Grit was born into a Mercenary family; Meaning that his true father is unknown to him and his mother, though he's heard that she was a beast of a warrior, had passed long before he could really remember her face. He was groomed from a young age in the art of war and chaos, his hometown proving the perfect habitat, where one wrong turn or not being aware of your surroundings could spell your end.His upbringing and training had been going well until the first time he shifted, resulting in a massacre that would lead to him fleeing with Old Man Grey and Aunty M, seasoned mercenaries, that took him under their wing. Shifters are eyed with suspicion and very much distrusted and feared for their perceived feral nature, though it isn't too far off mark. His adoptive family showed him the ropes of being a mercenary and did what they could to try to help him deal with his True Nature, as best they could, never once treating him less than human, though instructing him on the way of the world and to be cautious. The Mercenary world is no joke and while Grit managed to make a name for himself, The Young Wolf, he still had yet to garner as much fame as a more renowned Mercenary, Thrill Blackpike, though he had successfully killed 2 werewolves alone during a commission where there was only thought to be one. No time during his time as a Mercenary or otherwise as he shifted in front of anyone other than Old Man Grey or Aunty M.

Hi! I'd be interested in joining if you're still looking (and if you can use my character!).

Name: Dani
Gender: Woman
Race: Half human, half fairy
Class: Thief
Age(Date/Place of birth): 25, born in what is known amongst fairies as the Glass City.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue/grey
Language(s): Common tongue
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Thief
Weapon Choice: Small daggers and knives
Religion: Goddess of Life/Mother Earth
Magic Abilities/Innate Powers:
Invisibility (applies only to herself and her clothing and can last up to an hour before the need to recharge arrises).
- Illussion (she can blind up to two people at a time with an illussion of her choice. If she chooses smaller illusions - some dirt on the ground that isn't really there, for instance - she can affect more people, though for a shorter amount of time.
- Teleportation (only over short distances).
Family/Friends/Allies: She considers her coven of thieves her family. Her fairy father is alive, though she has no contact with him, and her human mother is dead.
Likes: Poking fun at people, especially if they poke back, dark humor, lightheartedness and money.
Dislikes: Serious people, authority, closed-mindedness.
Strengths: Dani is clever and quick to work her way out of the bad situations (which she's often put herself in). She's quick on her feet and has a well-developed sense of knowing where the nearest exit is. She's a skilled knife-thrower and works best in combat from afar or up close if she can use her magic abilities.
Weaknesses: She's too good at running her mouth. Her own dark sense of humor and often lack of seriousness means that she can come off at provoking - and she often chooses the worst times to test people. Although she has mastered her magic skills, they work with limitations (as listed above) and that can sometimes prove as a hindrance.
Fears: She has a fear of getting too close to other people which she often hides behind her lack of seriousness and provocations. She's afraid of complete and utter darkness, it makes her feel claustrophobic.
Personality: Dani is a matter-of-fact kind of girl. She doesn't take life too seriously and she prefers seeing things from a humoristic point of view (though, ironically, not on the bright side). She doesn't judge anyone based on who they are or what they do before she gets to know them. She's generous, though she prefers to hide that side of herself - but if she sees someone weaker and in poorer shape than herself, she will most often try to help them. She lives by a "take from the rich, give to the poor - as long as I'm taken care of first" kind of morality.
Background: It's not that humans aren't allowed in the Glass City, they're not supposed to be able to find it in the first place. So it was a mystery how a young woman found herself there 26 years ago. It was an even greater mystery how a young fairy man of royalty ended up with her. Their affair was short-lived, however, for when he discovered that the human was pregnant, he left her. She stayed in the fairy city even though she was an outcast because she hoped that her baby girl would have a better chance there than amongst her own kind - because her baby was born with wings and pointed ears.
Dani and her human mother didn't have much, but her mother was a weaver and they made due. When her mother got sick when Dani was only 13, Dani learned to take care of them as a pocket thief. She put bread on the table for her and her mother for two years while she perfected her pick-pocketing skills until her mother died. With almost no knowledge of her father, Dani was left alone at 15. However, she quickly learned that she wasn't the only orphan in the city - and she was the best thief amongst them. She learned to master her magic abilities and use them for thieving. For the first time she wasn't looked down on from being a half-fairy, she ended up leading them. A friend in her group taught her knife throwing and she spent years learning to perfect the skill - it is, after all, rather useful when she was running away from someone she'd robbed. As the group of young thieves grew up, they gradually took on bigger jobs; robbing carts, then homes, then stores, then banks. They expanded their work to other places than their home city and became known and feared for their work. Occasionally one of them were caught, but no one ever caught Dani, though only one person came close once and scarred her face.
She dreams of one day having enough money to retire and only pick-pocket every once in a while for the fun of it.
Other: Dani is 5'8, athletically built and has silver wings that look similar to butterfly wings, but they're a lot more sturdy.


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I might still edit my first post, but I just wanted to get something out. Feel free to write whatever, whenever as long as it's in respect to other's posts. There won't really be a specific post order, if you feel inspired and have some time to write something, feel free.

If the consensus is we want ordered posts instead, I can understand that and we can have a discussion about it. In the meantime, if someone posts something while you're writing, I'd rather you adjust your post accordingly, it might just keep things moving a bit faster.

For your first post, I'd suggest writing about your experiences entering the city. Maybe waiting in the hall? Eyeing up your fellow associates? It's also not very often that these civilians get to see strangers everyday. Write whatever comes to mind.
I'll have mine up soon, I'm dealing with a loss in family currently, so I'll have mine up later tonight
Ya, I'm thinking as long as we can all make one post in a rotation, should be good.

If at any time, any of ya feel uninspired, just let everyone know in this thread, and everyone else can carry on with more posts.
A brief notification: I'll be delayed in posting due to internet trouble, expected to resolve well into next week, and Mercy is on a two-week trip not due to return for another week. Either we can end the current cycle of posts then (counting from Ice's posts as the start of a new cycle where everyone gets one post before Ice ends the cycle) or pass our turns.
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going on vacation from the 10th to the 18th and since I won't be bringing my laptop I doubt that I'll be able to respond to threads. If it becomes relevant, feel free to skip my turn if you want to progress in the week that I'm gone!
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Just getting back from vacation, so I take it Scribe is next, or was there another thread?
We don't have a solid post order, so I believe everyone can post after every time Ice does in any order. So far each time he's not done so until everyone took a turn.

This round we still have you, me, Scribe, and hilou, who all can post if and when convenient.

But this seems to have mislead both you and Hilou already so maybe we do need a post order to stop people from getting it wrong.
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