The land of Valdoor has existed long before sentient beings had begun any kind of records of existance or life on Earth. It's plains are vast and diverse ranging from dense forests filled with mysterious creatures and verduous dwellings, to barren wastelands where the wind howls against travellers. With an established monarchy established in the royal Martel liniage, the kingdom has been in peace and order for as long as anyone can remember.
But times are changing.
The emergence of a darker, more sinister force has been infecting the outer villages of the kingdom, coastal villages razed to the ground and evil beings reaking havoc where they go. While many resort to cowering in the shadows and avoiding the 'Dark Lord's' ever increasing power, there are few who take action. Small vigilante groups trying to maintain order, but as the land descends into madness, who is to stop them?
We will.
A band of ragtag travellers with nothing to lose and glory to gain. To end the Dark Lord's reign would secure their favour within the kingdom and guarentee their wealth and prosperity.
A man, a humble wizard, seeks to create a party of formiddible warriors willing to journey through the countryside and smite the Evil One's minions before finally vanquishing him.
So hi! I'm Max and right now I have a hankering for a good ol' adventure. It would be great if any of you guys were interested in participating! ^^
About the Roleplay:
This Roleplay is going to be a high-fantasy group setting. It will rely on the imput and collaboration of all members to build law and the world this RP occurs in.
Minimum posting length should be around 250-300 words minimum; this ensures a sustained and well founded base for interactions and plot development.
Frequency of posting doesn't have to be every day, but if you plan on more than 2-3 days of being absent, please please please let us know. We could spend that time planning lore to ensure you don't miss out!
NPC's will be controlled by me, but if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know and I can swing the action your way!
There will be a restricted number of players to ensure things don't get too chaotic.
Roles: To begin with we will have ONE in each role, but if an opportunity arises for more
roles/characters, we can deal them out accordingly.
Wizard (@MindLabryinth):
Mage (@Generith):
Healer ( @Lady_Poetic ):
Name: Ella Lavina
Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Personality and Backstory: Inquisitive, reserved and caring. Ella can be serious and holds her ground for the right of good. She enjoys helping anyone with anything she can, it comes naturally to her and sometimes forgets its okay to have fun. She is a kind-hearted soul and loves to laugh when she can and enjoys companionship. She was raised in a large village where all the women learn to become healers using medical techniques. She yearns to live amongst healers and finding companionship and friends to find a family and call a place home.
- Trait 1: Intelligence
- Skill 2: Wisdom
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to:
- Skill 1: Healing
- Skill 2: Spellcasting
Weapons: (2 only)
- Staff
- Spellbook
Mercinary/Knight ( @GracieGirl ):
Name: Thraso
Nickname: Thray
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Description: Thray has a bit of a storied past that she'd rather no one find out about. In order to stay ahead of it she travels constantly, offering her bow services to make money. She's not one to turn down any job no matter how morally compromising. This isn't the life she dreamt of as a girl, but this is the life she was dealt. Thray does what she can to keep ahead of the guilt. Alcohol really helps keep all her emotions at bay. There are quite a few memories she wishes to drown out.
She seems edgy and tough at first glance, but there's more to her than all that. Most don't take the time to figure out the more part though, because of her attitude and sharp tongue. Thray's witty and blunt, if it comes to her mind she's going to say it. She's a bit of a handful to say the least.
Trait 1: Cunning
Trait 2: Adaptability
Skill 1: Archery
Skill 2: Espionage
Weapon 1: Bow
Weapon 2: Throwing Knives
Thraso eyes the young man walking towards her, taking in the measure of him. Ignoring the outstretched hand, she waits patiently as he introduces himself. When he finishes his little speech, Thray sits down her mug and stands. Smiling mischievously she responds coolly, "Riches you say? Well then, in that case you may call me Thray. My arrows are at your disposal Lyrox. When do we begin?"
Elven companion (@Sanity43217 ):
Tinker/Trader (@Ophi):
Ranger ( @Sacc ):
Character Sheet:
Personality and Backstory: (just a paragraph or so on what your charcter is like, so we can get to know them!)
Traits: (Pick 2. These will determine outcomes in regard to character influencing NPC's)
Strength, Agility, Patience, Intelligence, Adapatability, Charisma, Loyalty, Intimidation, Anonymity, Cunning, Endurance, Stealth, Chance, Magic, Intimidation, Peacemaking and Insight.
- Skill 1: will be your strongest trait
- Skill 2: will be a secondary, but still prevalent trait.
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to: Swordsmanship, espionage, diplomacy, forgery, blacksmithing, horseriding, element manipulation, spellcasting, building, healing, foraging, herbology and cooking.
- Skill 1: will be your strongest trait
- Skill 2: will be a secondary, but still prevalent trait.
Weapons: (2 only)
Can include but not limited to: swords, truncheon, dagger, scythe, throwing knives, mace.
An interaction:
Write a brief sample of what your charcter's reaction to the following might be.
A young man, wearing peasant garbs wanders into the tavern, squinting about in the evening haze for someone in particular. He hadn't exactly figured out who it may be but he knew-
There they were.
By the fire in the tavern, sitting by themselves was a traveller. It is you.
Approaching with purpousful steps he moves toward you, offering a hand in greeting.
"Good evening there. I'm Lyrox, a wizard. Could I perhaps interest you in a quest? One of untold riches and glory?"
But times are changing.
The emergence of a darker, more sinister force has been infecting the outer villages of the kingdom, coastal villages razed to the ground and evil beings reaking havoc where they go. While many resort to cowering in the shadows and avoiding the 'Dark Lord's' ever increasing power, there are few who take action. Small vigilante groups trying to maintain order, but as the land descends into madness, who is to stop them?
We will.
A band of ragtag travellers with nothing to lose and glory to gain. To end the Dark Lord's reign would secure their favour within the kingdom and guarentee their wealth and prosperity.
A man, a humble wizard, seeks to create a party of formiddible warriors willing to journey through the countryside and smite the Evil One's minions before finally vanquishing him.
So hi! I'm Max and right now I have a hankering for a good ol' adventure. It would be great if any of you guys were interested in participating! ^^
About the Roleplay:
This Roleplay is going to be a high-fantasy group setting. It will rely on the imput and collaboration of all members to build law and the world this RP occurs in.
Minimum posting length should be around 250-300 words minimum; this ensures a sustained and well founded base for interactions and plot development.
Frequency of posting doesn't have to be every day, but if you plan on more than 2-3 days of being absent, please please please let us know. We could spend that time planning lore to ensure you don't miss out!
NPC's will be controlled by me, but if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know and I can swing the action your way!
There will be a restricted number of players to ensure things don't get too chaotic.
Roles: To begin with we will have ONE in each role, but if an opportunity arises for more
roles/characters, we can deal them out accordingly.
Wizard (@MindLabryinth):
Name: Lyrox Grae Malborn
Age: 23
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Personality and Backstory: Bright and bubbly, Lyrox is a cheeky young lad with a sarcastic and dark sense of humour. He can't help but turn everything into a laugh and enjoys companionship. Raised in a poor village, he only learnt his wizarding skills more recently when he endeavoured into the city to seek an education. A deep passion and desire for justice fuels his quest and he wants to increase his chances by collecting allies along the way.
- Trait 1: Intelligence
- Skill 2: Charisma
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to:
- Skill 1: Spellcasting
- Skill 2: Swordsmanship
Weapons: (2 only)
- Longsword
- Spellbook
Age: 23
Race: Human
Gender: Male

- Trait 1: Intelligence
- Skill 2: Charisma
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to:
- Skill 1: Spellcasting
- Skill 2: Swordsmanship
Weapons: (2 only)
- Longsword
- Spellbook
Mage (@Generith):
Name: Pheezi
Age: 42
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female
Personality and Backstory: Pheezi can best be described as a cranky child-like individual. She is extremely outspoken and fearless, unafraid to start a fight. When in an irritated mood, she will often be rude or give witty remarks. Having spent most of her life in woods, she has little grasp on social etiquette and no manners either. Pheezi is quite eccentric, particularly in the way she views the world; her ability to tackle the most normal of tasks in the wackiest way possible is unmatched. She doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her, making her vehemently confident to the point it can lead to overbearing narcissism. Whilst Pheezi is rough around the edges, she is a compassionate individual, especially to animals, and once she lets you in, she will display a strong sense of loyalty and an undying friendship (though she may insult you every so often). Pheezi is a truly nature's warrior, possessing an inner ruthless when the order of things are disrupted (or if you disturb her in her sleep).
- Skill 1: Intimidation
- Skill 2: Cunning
- Skill 1: Nature Manipulation
- Skill 2: Espionage
Weapons: (2 only)
Wooden Staff
A feather
An interaction:
The warmth of the fire was a welcomed sensation. Pheezi rubbed her hands, shrugging off the cold of the outside. It had been a tough day of chasing frogs away from the pond, she thought to herself. Her thoughts often manifested themselves in a series of mutters, which would often garner odd looks from those around her. However, if they looked for too long, Pheezi was quick to snap at them with her teeth. Despite the mask that hid her face, her eyes shone through the eyeholes -- a radiant gold, brighter than any coin a King would ever come to possess.
With a quick gesture and mumble to the barmaid, a pint of ale and a pie was laid out in front of her. Pheezi lifted her mask slightly, so that her mouth would be visible. Her tongue wettened her lips and she dug in, using her hand to break and scoop up the pie. The contents stained her mouth and cheeks, but Pheezi didn't care. She was enjoying herself.
That was until someone had the courage to come up to her. Pheezi gave the young man a side eye, continuing to eat. Surely he was just lost?
But no, he introduced himself.
"I don't care about who you are!" The words spilled out between her munches.
However, when he mentioned untold riches and glory she became as still as a mushroom. Pheezi gradually moved her fingers out of her mouth. She wiped it on the table.
"Riches..." she muttered, taking a gulp of ale and banging the cup down. Pheezi eyed the young man. After a few moments of deliberating, she nodded to chair beside her.
"I could do with some riches." She showed a row of yellow crooked teeth at what seemed to be a grin.
Age: 42
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female

Personality and Backstory: Pheezi can best be described as a cranky child-like individual. She is extremely outspoken and fearless, unafraid to start a fight. When in an irritated mood, she will often be rude or give witty remarks. Having spent most of her life in woods, she has little grasp on social etiquette and no manners either. Pheezi is quite eccentric, particularly in the way she views the world; her ability to tackle the most normal of tasks in the wackiest way possible is unmatched. She doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her, making her vehemently confident to the point it can lead to overbearing narcissism. Whilst Pheezi is rough around the edges, she is a compassionate individual, especially to animals, and once she lets you in, she will display a strong sense of loyalty and an undying friendship (though she may insult you every so often). Pheezi is a truly nature's warrior, possessing an inner ruthless when the order of things are disrupted (or if you disturb her in her sleep).
- Skill 1: Intimidation
- Skill 2: Cunning
- Skill 1: Nature Manipulation
- Skill 2: Espionage
Weapons: (2 only)
Wooden Staff
A feather
An interaction:
The warmth of the fire was a welcomed sensation. Pheezi rubbed her hands, shrugging off the cold of the outside. It had been a tough day of chasing frogs away from the pond, she thought to herself. Her thoughts often manifested themselves in a series of mutters, which would often garner odd looks from those around her. However, if they looked for too long, Pheezi was quick to snap at them with her teeth. Despite the mask that hid her face, her eyes shone through the eyeholes -- a radiant gold, brighter than any coin a King would ever come to possess.
With a quick gesture and mumble to the barmaid, a pint of ale and a pie was laid out in front of her. Pheezi lifted her mask slightly, so that her mouth would be visible. Her tongue wettened her lips and she dug in, using her hand to break and scoop up the pie. The contents stained her mouth and cheeks, but Pheezi didn't care. She was enjoying herself.
That was until someone had the courage to come up to her. Pheezi gave the young man a side eye, continuing to eat. Surely he was just lost?
But no, he introduced himself.
"I don't care about who you are!" The words spilled out between her munches.
However, when he mentioned untold riches and glory she became as still as a mushroom. Pheezi gradually moved her fingers out of her mouth. She wiped it on the table.
"Riches..." she muttered, taking a gulp of ale and banging the cup down. Pheezi eyed the young man. After a few moments of deliberating, she nodded to chair beside her.
"I could do with some riches." She showed a row of yellow crooked teeth at what seemed to be a grin.
Farren's face split into an amused grin as he watched her eat. She would certainly not be bothered by the rough life of questing. At her perked interest he chuckled but he didn't take a seat, simply reaching a hand to trace a symbol with his finger on her arm.
"This is a rune. It will glow when I send out the call to arms. Meet back at the tavern here when that occurs. Then we'll give you more information on the 'riches'."
With that, the young and mysterious male left the tavern, owl on shoulder watching the dwarf as they exited.
"This is a rune. It will glow when I send out the call to arms. Meet back at the tavern here when that occurs. Then we'll give you more information on the 'riches'."
With that, the young and mysterious male left the tavern, owl on shoulder watching the dwarf as they exited.
Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Personality and Backstory: Inquisitive, reserved and caring. Ella can be serious and holds her ground for the right of good. She enjoys helping anyone with anything she can, it comes naturally to her and sometimes forgets its okay to have fun. She is a kind-hearted soul and loves to laugh when she can and enjoys companionship. She was raised in a large village where all the women learn to become healers using medical techniques. She yearns to live amongst healers and finding companionship and friends to find a family and call a place home.
- Trait 1: Intelligence
- Skill 2: Wisdom
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to:
- Skill 1: Healing
- Skill 2: Spellcasting
Weapons: (2 only)
- Staff
- Spellbook
Nickname: Thray
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Description: Thray has a bit of a storied past that she'd rather no one find out about. In order to stay ahead of it she travels constantly, offering her bow services to make money. She's not one to turn down any job no matter how morally compromising. This isn't the life she dreamt of as a girl, but this is the life she was dealt. Thray does what she can to keep ahead of the guilt. Alcohol really helps keep all her emotions at bay. There are quite a few memories she wishes to drown out.
She seems edgy and tough at first glance, but there's more to her than all that. Most don't take the time to figure out the more part though, because of her attitude and sharp tongue. Thray's witty and blunt, if it comes to her mind she's going to say it. She's a bit of a handful to say the least.
Trait 1: Cunning
Trait 2: Adaptability
Skill 1: Archery
Skill 2: Espionage
Weapon 1: Bow
Weapon 2: Throwing Knives
Thraso eyes the young man walking towards her, taking in the measure of him. Ignoring the outstretched hand, she waits patiently as he introduces himself. When he finishes his little speech, Thray sits down her mug and stands. Smiling mischievously she responds coolly, "Riches you say? Well then, in that case you may call me Thray. My arrows are at your disposal Lyrox. When do we begin?"
Lyrox awkwardly dropped his outstretched hand and gave a crooked smile.
"Hazzar! Excellent! Welcome to the party. When I summone you..." he grabbed her wrist and traced his finger in a rune on her bare skin before letting go, "This rune will light up. Meet back here at the tavern and we will then commence the journey." With that, the young male left hurriedly, disappearing into the night.
"Hazzar! Excellent! Welcome to the party. When I summone you..." he grabbed her wrist and traced his finger in a rune on her bare skin before letting go, "This rune will light up. Meet back here at the tavern and we will then commence the journey." With that, the young male left hurriedly, disappearing into the night.
Name: Elkhazel Craxina
Age: 268
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Personality and Backstory:Elkhazel Craxina is a little aloof. Preferring not to get involved in the lives of shorter-lived beings. He does find it fascinating how creatures who live little longer than a century at most, can be so wrapped up in the small things. He generally chooses not to show any emotion but holds a curiosity towards humans, and often wishes to protect them. He just finds human's so weird, quirky and funny. To the annoyance of some humans, he really only sees humans as children, which has led some humans to get mad. However, he is still quite young for an Elf, so he still understands humans, and can understand their small lives.
- Skill 1: Magic
- Skill 2: Agility
- Skill 1: Element Manipulation
- Skill 2: Swordsmanship
Weapons: (2 only)
A set of dual shortswords
Elven Longsword
An interaction:
Elkhazel looked up from the fire. The boy who had introduced himself as Lyrox looked young. There was naivety in the boy's eyes. The same naivety never really leaves a human's eyes until moments before their death. Elkhazel wished for that existence. The ignorance from the true horrors of life. The elf looked back at the fire for a moment as he considered the question. This boy was going to get himself killed. He figured he would test the boy, even though Elkhazel knew full well he was going to say yes to joining the quest. "Phnaut dosnatha lotha waelin ulu tlunatha faern?" The elf asked, looking back up from the fire. It was elvish. A language not often known to humans, especially ones this young. If the human could understand, and better yet, come up with an appropriate answer, Elkhazel would feel comfortable supporting this child in his quest. If he couldn't, he would join anyway, just to make sure the boy doesn't get himself killed. Not again.
Elkhazel waved off the question. "Vith ol." he took a swig from the tankard that was in his hand before dropping the empty tankard to the ground. The elf stood up. "Don't die, and we have a deal," he said, extending his hand to the young wizard. "Humans call me Elkhazel. Elkhazel Craxina," he said as he waited for the small wizard to shake his hand
Age: 268
Race: Elf
Gender: Male

Personality and Backstory:Elkhazel Craxina is a little aloof. Preferring not to get involved in the lives of shorter-lived beings. He does find it fascinating how creatures who live little longer than a century at most, can be so wrapped up in the small things. He generally chooses not to show any emotion but holds a curiosity towards humans, and often wishes to protect them. He just finds human's so weird, quirky and funny. To the annoyance of some humans, he really only sees humans as children, which has led some humans to get mad. However, he is still quite young for an Elf, so he still understands humans, and can understand their small lives.
- Skill 1: Magic
- Skill 2: Agility
- Skill 1: Element Manipulation
- Skill 2: Swordsmanship
Weapons: (2 only)
A set of dual shortswords
Elven Longsword
An interaction:
Elkhazel looked up from the fire. The boy who had introduced himself as Lyrox looked young. There was naivety in the boy's eyes. The same naivety never really leaves a human's eyes until moments before their death. Elkhazel wished for that existence. The ignorance from the true horrors of life. The elf looked back at the fire for a moment as he considered the question. This boy was going to get himself killed. He figured he would test the boy, even though Elkhazel knew full well he was going to say yes to joining the quest. "Phnaut dosnatha lotha waelin ulu tlunatha faern?" The elf asked, looking back up from the fire. It was elvish. A language not often known to humans, especially ones this young. If the human could understand, and better yet, come up with an appropriate answer, Elkhazel would feel comfortable supporting this child in his quest. If he couldn't, he would join anyway, just to make sure the boy doesn't get himself killed. Not again.
Elkhazel waved off the question. "Vith ol." he took a swig from the tankard that was in his hand before dropping the empty tankard to the ground. The elf stood up. "Don't die, and we have a deal," he said, extending his hand to the young wizard. "Humans call me Elkhazel. Elkhazel Craxina," he said as he waited for the small wizard to shake his hand
Farren watched the elf with a mixture of fear and awe, his brow furrowing in confusion as the foreign dialect poured fourth. He perked up as he heard the more common tongue and with stumbling pronunciation replied "Vith ol ke. Taudl, Usstan xuat telanth mzilt k'shish. Al'doer?" He gave a crooked grin and offered a bow before quickly reaching to draw a rune on the male's arm with his finger.
"This will light up when we are ready to gather and leave. We meet at the inn. Farewell till then my lightly footed friend!"
"This will light up when we are ready to gather and leave. We meet at the inn. Farewell till then my lightly footed friend!"
Name: Amelia Vitz
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tan hair, with peach dyed tips. Hazel eyes.
Personality and Backstory: Lover of money, alchemy and literally anything shiny, Amelia has no qualms with giving her services to anyone as long as they make it worth her while, a truly brutal business woman. Kicked to the curb at the age of 12 when the orphanage she lived in was closed down and picked up by the good graces of some traveling merchants, she's a seasoned traveler at this point and an even more seasoned tinker. Her inventions only sometimes blowing up in her face or causing a small forest fire.
- Skill 1: Adaptability
- Skill 2: Chance
Skills: (Pick 2)
- Skill 1: Alchemy
- Skill 2: blacksmithing
Weapons: (2 only)
- Spear
-bombs (limited by ingredients)
An interaction:
"Hmm?" Amelia's attention had been peaked the moment the stranger spoke of riches, thin fingers slipping from the concentrated work over the bottle she'd been wrapping as her gaze was grasped by her company. Hazel eyes squinted up at the other, eyeing their clothing and appearance with a calculated look before plastering a friendly smile on and shaking the others hand with her own gloved one.
"I'm all for lending my services stranger, as long as the pros outweigh the cons."
She frowned when the heat licked at her skin, pulling her hand away to look at her feet. She yelped in alarm at the sight of the fabric she'd dropped aflame, the fabric she'd been working on getting around the bottles cork slipping and apparently catching a spark from the fire place. Quickly she stomped on the fabric, heavy boot killing the small flame and leaving the fabric a ugly blackened brown and a small scorch mark along the buildings floor.
"Ahem..." she coughed, shoe pushing her bag to cover the mark, "anyways...let's talk business shall we~"
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tan hair, with peach dyed tips. Hazel eyes.
Personality and Backstory: Lover of money, alchemy and literally anything shiny, Amelia has no qualms with giving her services to anyone as long as they make it worth her while, a truly brutal business woman. Kicked to the curb at the age of 12 when the orphanage she lived in was closed down and picked up by the good graces of some traveling merchants, she's a seasoned traveler at this point and an even more seasoned tinker. Her inventions only sometimes blowing up in her face or causing a small forest fire.
- Skill 1: Adaptability
- Skill 2: Chance
Skills: (Pick 2)
- Skill 1: Alchemy
- Skill 2: blacksmithing
Weapons: (2 only)
- Spear
-bombs (limited by ingredients)
An interaction:
"Hmm?" Amelia's attention had been peaked the moment the stranger spoke of riches, thin fingers slipping from the concentrated work over the bottle she'd been wrapping as her gaze was grasped by her company. Hazel eyes squinted up at the other, eyeing their clothing and appearance with a calculated look before plastering a friendly smile on and shaking the others hand with her own gloved one.
"I'm all for lending my services stranger, as long as the pros outweigh the cons."
She frowned when the heat licked at her skin, pulling her hand away to look at her feet. She yelped in alarm at the sight of the fabric she'd dropped aflame, the fabric she'd been working on getting around the bottles cork slipping and apparently catching a spark from the fire place. Quickly she stomped on the fabric, heavy boot killing the small flame and leaving the fabric a ugly blackened brown and a small scorch mark along the buildings floor.
"Ahem..." she coughed, shoe pushing her bag to cover the mark, "anyways...let's talk business shall we~"
Lyrox gave a knowing grin as he accepted the tinkerer's hand in a firm handshake, eyeing the cloth as it fell to the ground and ignited. He gave a chuckle as she stomped it out, acting calm and collected as she hid the burn mark. He smiled and grabbed her hand once again, tracing a rune on her exposed wrist.
"Trust me, the favour of a king is worth much. I will summon you with this rune, which will become visable once I call. Meet at the tavern again, for we will have a party to travel with. Then we can discuss payment.'
With a wink he turned, cloak obscuring him as he left the tavern, fading into the dark.
"Trust me, the favour of a king is worth much. I will summon you with this rune, which will become visable once I call. Meet at the tavern again, for we will have a party to travel with. Then we can discuss payment.'
With a wink he turned, cloak obscuring him as he left the tavern, fading into the dark.
Full Name: Abyssin Gullath
Age: 53
Race: Triton
Gender: Female
'Race portrait - Abyssians' - Karina S.
A young scout and infantry member of the south coast Triton protectorate -- until an indiscriminate Dark Lord razing slaughtered most of her compatriots and left her stranded from her home plane. The years thereon have edged by for Abyssin. So far, she has had middling success as a bard -- emphasis on middling. As a positive, she is more culturally accustomed to the surface world. However, nothing has been able to trump her melancholic disposition; her tendency to slip out of conversations; her occasional span of self-effacing self-importance. Abyssin seems to relate more with the fae beasties she summons than to surface folk. She is a wanderer clinging to a slipping sense of righteousness contrary to her persona, and while she struggles with trust, there exists a longing for justice at her core.
Traits: Insight, Anonymity
To which she said, "My heart. It bleeds." And tweaked the mandolin's over-tuned strings, minor chord whistling high like a kettle in the tavern heat.
The Triton is apparently, inherently, sweltering, and yet she won't remove her cowl. The instrument goes under her arm as she swigs, forces down, her glass of mead.
Underneath that hood, the eyes of the crowdless performer are pupilless, static pools of some ethereal liquid. They stare the Lyrox kid down blindly. They are searching for something that can't be seen.
She finishes drinking; she gags. "You," Abyssn rasps, "need to promise me more than glory. I need more than glory."
Age: 53
Race: Triton
Gender: Female
'Race portrait - Abyssians' - Karina S.
- Blind; receives sensory info via air humidity.
- Speaks a primordial tongue, Fae, and Common.
A young scout and infantry member of the south coast Triton protectorate -- until an indiscriminate Dark Lord razing slaughtered most of her compatriots and left her stranded from her home plane. The years thereon have edged by for Abyssin. So far, she has had middling success as a bard -- emphasis on middling. As a positive, she is more culturally accustomed to the surface world. However, nothing has been able to trump her melancholic disposition; her tendency to slip out of conversations; her occasional span of self-effacing self-importance. Abyssin seems to relate more with the fae beasties she summons than to surface folk. She is a wanderer clinging to a slipping sense of righteousness contrary to her persona, and while she struggles with trust, there exists a longing for justice at her core.
Traits: Insight, Anonymity
- Survival
- Conjuring
- Shortswords
- Spell Journal
To which she said, "My heart. It bleeds." And tweaked the mandolin's over-tuned strings, minor chord whistling high like a kettle in the tavern heat.
The Triton is apparently, inherently, sweltering, and yet she won't remove her cowl. The instrument goes under her arm as she swigs, forces down, her glass of mead.
Underneath that hood, the eyes of the crowdless performer are pupilless, static pools of some ethereal liquid. They stare the Lyrox kid down blindly. They are searching for something that can't be seen.
She finishes drinking; she gags. "You," Abyssn rasps, "need to promise me more than glory. I need more than glory."
Lyrox, while a little put off by the milky pupils staring into his soul, gave a firm nod.
"What I can promise my friend, is undying glory. We will all be legends talked about and worshipped for centuries." his lip quirked at the thought of this.
She was bloody terrifying and the thought made him shiver with excitement, this was going to be great. Carefully, he reached out and traced a rune on her arm before thinking to himself that it was pointless, she was blind... Instead he traced a different rune, one that would turn hot as he summoned her.
"This rune will let you know when we are meeting. Meet back at the tavern."
With that, he quickly retreated into the darkness.
"What I can promise my friend, is undying glory. We will all be legends talked about and worshipped for centuries." his lip quirked at the thought of this.
She was bloody terrifying and the thought made him shiver with excitement, this was going to be great. Carefully, he reached out and traced a rune on her arm before thinking to himself that it was pointless, she was blind... Instead he traced a different rune, one that would turn hot as he summoned her.
"This rune will let you know when we are meeting. Meet back at the tavern."
With that, he quickly retreated into the darkness.
Character Sheet:
Personality and Backstory: (just a paragraph or so on what your charcter is like, so we can get to know them!)
Traits: (Pick 2. These will determine outcomes in regard to character influencing NPC's)
Strength, Agility, Patience, Intelligence, Adapatability, Charisma, Loyalty, Intimidation, Anonymity, Cunning, Endurance, Stealth, Chance, Magic, Intimidation, Peacemaking and Insight.
- Skill 1: will be your strongest trait
- Skill 2: will be a secondary, but still prevalent trait.
Skills: (Pick 2)
Can include but not limited to: Swordsmanship, espionage, diplomacy, forgery, blacksmithing, horseriding, element manipulation, spellcasting, building, healing, foraging, herbology and cooking.
- Skill 1: will be your strongest trait
- Skill 2: will be a secondary, but still prevalent trait.
Weapons: (2 only)
Can include but not limited to: swords, truncheon, dagger, scythe, throwing knives, mace.
An interaction:
Write a brief sample of what your charcter's reaction to the following might be.
A young man, wearing peasant garbs wanders into the tavern, squinting about in the evening haze for someone in particular. He hadn't exactly figured out who it may be but he knew-
There they were.
By the fire in the tavern, sitting by themselves was a traveller. It is you.
Approaching with purpousful steps he moves toward you, offering a hand in greeting.
"Good evening there. I'm Lyrox, a wizard. Could I perhaps interest you in a quest? One of untold riches and glory?"
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