Challenge Submission His Confession

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Challenge Submission His Confession


Ardently Yours
December Challenge Participant September Challenge Participant 250 Likes! 100 Posts!
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(Continuation of "Autumn Sire". Sept 2023)​

"My lovely Anastasia..." With a heavy gasp, Ana shot up from her bed. Hand clasped against her throat as she peered around the room. Nervously breathing from another nightmare. Darkness filled the corners of the walls leaving an even blacker core at the center of the room. It had been months since Elijah bestowed to her a file. Within the envelope contained a photo, at least a century old, and ravaged with age. The subject of the image was a male, whom her organization had been looking for for at least a decade. A man she was all too familiar with. A man who had picked her up from the ashes of fire, quelled her innermost insecurities and bloomed an unstoppable force, in the form of his own personal assassin.

Since the chill of that cool autumn day 100 years ago, Ana had been by his side, forever faithful and loyal to his cause. A cause she had never really understood. There never seemed to be an end in sight, a goal to be grasped. His need for chaos and power grew decade after decade, and Ana served as his center, an anchor to his delusion and hysterics. But now where was she? Alone, working for his 'enemy' in the form of a paramilitary organization. To be abandoned by the only person she considered to be her rock, as chaotic and crazy as that seemed.

Shaking her head of any residual thoughts, Ana tiredly rose to her feet. Slipping on a pair of shoes and grabbing a puffy winter coat, slipping her hands through its long arms, pulling the closure tightly over her tank. With her badge she scanned to open the automated pocket door, separating her sleeping quarters from the hall.

The woman noted the time, 2am. She groaned, and walked out of her quarters down the many puzzle like corridors till she found herself next to one of the now empty drinking holes. Just as she passed, the woman stopped, pivoting her heel to spin around quickly and look through the open frame. "Commander Rose?" She whispered.

The male seemed to perk up at his name. Wondering how in the hell she recognized him with his hood over his head. It wasn't like his jacket had any identifying markers, and he hid himself well in the corner. As Ana walked up to him, she could see he had been drinking some. Not much, he wasn't inebriated at all. No, he just seemed to be having a drink alone.

"I can leave" Ana finally said as she had realized it probably was not the best idea to have walked up to him. Even if they were friends personally.

"It's alright…sit" Elijah whispered, his voice deeper than usual as he kept his voice low for the time of night it was. "I've never seen a troubled look upon your face before, Hart, what are you concerned about?"

Ana rolled her eyes. "You think you can read me so well"

Elijah shrugged with a smirk. "It's you who thinks you cannot be read." Seeing her annoyance he lifted his fingers from the bar top and waved away any ill feeling that came across from his words. "Sorry… I forget that sometimes I can come off as an ass"

The woman shrugged, pulling his glass of cognac to her side of the table and taking a sip. Elijah let her do this, as he watched, brow furrowed as he contemplated his next words. "It's about Cecil isn't it? The reason why you're up, sitting with me at 3am?"

Ana squinted her gaze, setting the heavy glass down on the table, while holding up her other hand in pause. "Wow, I've become predictable, you should dismiss me entirely."

Elijah scoffed and smiled slightly. "It's not that, and I would never, you're too valuable to the organization unfortunately" He teased before his smile once again relaxed. "Hart… I mean, Anastasia, I know you loved him, even if it was unrequited. No one drinks alone on Christmas eve unless they're missing someone."

Ana tilted her head. "That was long ago besides… I'm not the one who was drinking alone, that was you my friend".

Elijah nodded. "You're right"

The pair stared at one another for a few long moments. Both said nothing but nothing really needed to be said. They were one of the same, both lonely soldiers at heart, spending Christmas on a naval base with no one to write home to. The holidays were lonely for everyone on the ship, but at least the others had families, parents, hell even a dog. For Ana and Elijah, they had no one.

Ana suddenly felt herself become flushed in the cheeks. Standing she handed him back his glass. "I should head back to bed. I just came out for a brief walk."

Elijah then stood. Grabbing his coat and letting it hang over his shoulder by his fingers. "Ana…"

She turned to face him, curious about what he had to say to her.

"Merry Christmas"

Ana nodded, "Merry Christmas". She said and walked past the exit and back to her room.

Elijah stood quietly before leaving some money at the bar. In his pocket was a small wrapped box. He held it tightly in his hand for a moment. "Damn it" he hissed as he let go of the gift.

"I'm an idiot" he whispered before heading back to his quarters.


It was now 4am, Elijah finished his shower and was about to turn off his light when a knock came at his door. Looking at the screen beside the lock, his eyes opened wide. "Ana?" her name rolled off his tongue as he pressed his thumb against the scanner opening the door as he stood there confused.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, surprised that he had even opened the door to her. "I just…"

Elijah took hold of her wrist and pulled her inside. As the doors locked behind them, the raven haired female could see he had been getting ready for bed. His tousled jet black waves were wet and covered his eyes slightly. He wore gray wool joggers, which covered his lower body, but as Ana's vision expanded from being focused upon his eyes, she noticed his chest was exposed. The warm olive-y tan of his skin was warmer in comparison to her pale milky complexion. The gray orbs of her irises met his own forestry green view. And as they stood there, his hand still wrapped around her wrist, all Elijah could do was wait for her to speak.

"I don't know why I'm here honestly"

Elijah nodded, letting go and holding up his finger quietly. "I know…" he spoke softly before turning and rummaging through his things. He returned to her side, a small box in hand. It was wrapped in gold paper, and adorn with a red bow, just the same size as the box itself. He held it out for her to take. "Here".

Ana peered down at the gift, before her eyes connected once more with his. Slowly, she grasped the box, her fingers slow and nimble as she lifted the top off. Inside was a small heart shaped charm, fastened to a chain. "A necklace?" she whispered?

Elijah nodded. "The front is engraved with the letter A, for Anastasia of course… and the back…the back is the day we met, 6 years ago".

Ana kept her eyes low as she turned the necklace over to see the date. She could feel her fingers grow colder as the blood rushed from her limbs to her head and cheeks.

"Elijah…" she muttered

He shook his head, taking her hands and cupping both his hands over them. "I know well what you have been through. I know this is unexpected, and I know deep down you still love him. But I would be lying if I told you I did not care for you. That seeing your pain and loneliness, pains me even more, especially considering I gave you the orders. Yes, your life was intended to be at his side, faithful and loyal to his every order. Yes, I took you in 6 years ago, knowing who and what you are. Yes it was a risk, but I did so because I saw something in you, something Cecil was selfish for keeping under lock and key. Your freedom. Ana, you may think you're just a soldier, but you're much much more."

Elijah brought her hands to his chest as he could see crystal-like tears build inside the eyes of his partner. "I've seen you grow, blossom into a strong independent person. I've seen you laugh and smile and god knows you never did such a thing when you first arrived here. I don't expect anything from you, I don't expect you to wear this, or to accept my feelings, I just want it to be a reminder, that maybe your immortality began decades ago… but your life, your freedom, began on this day"

Ana continued to watch as her partner poured his heart out to her. Cecil had left her high and dry on Christmas eve in the hands of the enemy during a supposed reconnaissance mission. And Elijah had been the one who gave her the choice to join his organization. He had always been soft when it came to her. Feeling sorry for her at first, trusting her when no one else did. Risking his position when he made her his partner. But it wasn't the gift she found unexpected, it was his confession.

"I love you Anastasia, I will do anything for you, even if that means… losing you"

Ana stood confused, why would he lose her after confessing his love? Ana was about to speak when Elijah shook his head. His hair now slightly dry, still covering his eyes. "Cecil…he's… alive".

(End Scene)​
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