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That one chick that's band obsessed.
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Today 3:04 AM
Hiya! I'm not too good with introduction posts, but I'll at least write something up.
Most people call me Nova, or Ava and I am a twenty-three year old female who has been roleplaying for a little over five (give or take) years now. I started off in the anime community but found roleplaying more realistic scenarios with realistic characters definitely interests me more. Since I've found this out I've been searching for people who are also into more realistic roleplay! I do use the term realistic very loosely but I'm sure you get the point.

Most of the time I roleplay on my free time, to escape from life's usual worries. With that being said, I do get busy from time to time and hope my partner understands this. Life can be pretty hectic for me, and this is sort of my escape from it all for a little while. Most of the time I will let my partner know if I ever need to step away from the roleplay for a day or two. If I suddenly disappear this does not mean I'm not interested, it just means life has dragged me away for a little bit, that's all.

Now, onto the types of roleplay I enjoy!
I enjoy wholesome plots, containing romance and some slice of life aspects but I do also love drama and action in a roleplay. Most of the ideas I've come up with as far as plots go all revolve around some type of romance. I'm a hopeless romantic in reality and this does carry over to whenever I'm coming up with plots for a roleplay scenario. I'm pretty sure some people out there understand this feeling, hah.

As far as "fandoms" go I am super interested in..
Bands, Marvel, and pretty much anything Disney related.
And no, to clear things up, I will not roleplay smutty situations if we do a Disney roleplay.
I like to keep my Disney roleplay scenarios as clean and wholesome as possible.
Besides that, smutty scenes are welcome anywhere else!
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment..

If you're interested in roleplaying with me feel free to PM me!
xoxo, Ava.
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