Character(s) Hodricks Peepos

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Character(s) Hodricks Peepos


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Name: Hodrick (very original I know)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Bio: Born in raised in a small town on the border of Lothria Hodrick lived a hard but good childhood. No siblings but Close friends, he lived with his father and mother, his father was a vet and served in the Lothrian army. His father taught him his families swordsmanship and he trained everyday hard and played with his friends. But one Night during a festival
the town was attacked by an Agies force, his entire family and village was slaughtered right in front of his eyes, his dad made sure to hide him well and he managed to escape. The town was taken over and then burned down. He spent the next few years wondering and training on his way to the Guild so he can become the guilds ambassador and put a stop to the war.

Personality: He tries to be as nice as he can but he is no push over, he'll approach every situation with a smile and honesty is his policy. He's not one that come quick to anger but he will do anything to protect his friends and companions. Due to the trauma from the loss of his village his mind shattered and he's developed split personality disorder, his different sides have different traits but all want the same thing.

Hair: long orange and a little messy, he normally keeps it in a ponytail to keep it out of his face.

Build: He has a strong but light build. around 5'11 and weighs 160Lbs, he is the perfect build a fighter should have allowing him to move quickly and powerfully.

Clothes: He wears light black leather armor, his right arm is fully padded up his whole arm and his left just has elbow and shoulder plates. He wears tall leather boots and has armor plates on his knees. Under the armor is just a long sleeve white shirt and black pants.

Gear: He carries a long sword and a short sword on his hips as well as a big broad sword on his back, he has a travel bag for food and water.

Combat abilities: He fights with his families sword techniques.
-When he used his long and short sword he fights quickly and nimbly prioritizing speed over power, with quick slashes and thrusts as he dashes around.
-When he uses his broad sword he focuses on raw power only, he is much slower but he does more damage he has to use both hands or he can't wield it properly.
Normally he is quite quick and takes pride in his speed.
His fighting style is something he developed on his own, it's not beneath him to use any tactics to win a battle. He'll take cheep shots, throw dirt and blades, run away, dodge around and not fight you head on, it doesn't matter as long as he wins, he's what you'd call a dirty boxer lol.
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Name: Jin
Sex/Gender: male
Race: human (Undead)
Age: 600+

Looks: He has medium length black hair with pale sickly green tips. His eyes are like somewhat lifeless yellow marbles, and he has a small chip taken out of his ear. He looks to be around the age of a 18 year old.

Build/Body: He is 6 foot tall and well built, not overly muscular but not skinny or fat either. His bear body is littered with scares and gashes and his skin is somewhat pale and cold to the touch.

personality: Jin his been through so many lifetimes and outlived so many generations that he doesn't really get taken by surprise anymore, like any stereo typical undead creature he doesn't react to much. But he's not a empty husk either, he also has his likes and dislikes and somehow has managed to keep some of his humanity, push him enough and he can get emotional to some extent.
-Likes: Food, Warm things, the color yellow, pictures, and books
-Dislikes: The color red, pain, annoying people/ animals, and bright lights.

Bio: Jin was born with a weak and frail body and had big and poor family he had many brothers and sisters and his parents worked as servants to a rich family. After years of suffering with many sicknesses and poor living quality a plague suddenly appeared and started to wipe out much of the population, for fear of getting sick the rich family threw them out onto the filthy streets. It only took two days before the symptoms started to flare up, sanitation was so bad that the garbage and waste of others and animals just lay out to rot in the sun. His weak body already having problems of its own completely crumbled once he got sick, after 7 hours he lay on his deathbed looking around at his dying family, once he let out his final breath everything went black and cold.

He woke up much later in a pile of corpses, not knowing what was going on or where he was he climbed out and approached the grave tender. The man feel back in terror as Jin walked to him and he stabbed him through the heart. Once again waking up this time wrapped in cloth, he had been brought back yet again, the thing the kept him from dying was the mutation that happened once he caught the plague. There was a strange virus that was in Jin from birth once mixing with the plague it caused a reaction, millions of microscopic creatures started spawning in his body, and whenever he would die or get injured they forced his body back together again bringing him back, preventing him from rotting away, and stopping his aging.

After decades or maybe centuries Jin Arrived at Dori Academy he plans on staying here until people catch on to his 'disorder'.

-Immortality/undead- basically he can't die, but he doesn't come back immediately, if it's a fatal wound it will have to heal completely, the way he heals is strange if he gets cut or stabbed his body will stitch itself back together leaving stitches until it's fully healed. He will be completely out of commission once his internal organs burst or he drowns, his body will take much longer to heal those wounds.

Weaknesses: There is a way to keep him from coming back and that's if you continuously destroy his hear or brain or drown him repeatedly, if he can't fully heal those wounds he's not going anywhere, however you'll have to keep doing it... forever. Or erase him from existence, pull a ZA HANDO! His body is in the best physical shape it can be in for a that age range, he's strong but not invincible.

Wears: He wears whatever clothes he wants and normally will wear a black seater with a yellow stripe running down his right side, with some black jeans and any shoes that look appealing to him.

Random information: Jin has a pet tortoise named Kevin and his only real acquaintance is the head master of the academy, he's also the only one that knows of Jins immortality.

side note I'm not a scientist nor am I a historian so yea I know that I probably used some incorrect terminology and my times might be off a bit.
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Name: Jax (one of my first OC's ever)
Gender: male
Race: half Vampire, half human
Age: 21

Looks: He has short white hair and deep crimson eyes, unlike vampires he actually has a darker complexion. He's 6 foot tall and has a misshapen heart birthmark in his neck.

Bio: Jax was Abandoned as a child, unable to fit in with the humans or any monster race he was just another outcast not destined for much. A strange old man found him on the the road and took him in, even though he was human he didn't mind the monster he took in. He would feed Jax and teach him, Jax saw this man as a father figure. Once Jax turned 18 the man kicked him out with a dagger, map, and some supplies to last him a week from that point onward Jax had to take care of him self.

Years later Jax lives on the edge of a kingdom beside a small village, he tries to isolate himself and stay away from others, but when he turned 20 his vampiric powers started to flare up, he studies and trains in the woods not wanting to scare the villagers, but the children spreed rumors about a monster the lives in the shadows of the trees in the forest however that's just Jax.

Personality: even though humanity shuns his kind Jax doesn't harbor any resentment and actually prefers humans over vampires. He feels that he owes humanity for the kindness the old man shared with him. He's a kind soul the prefers peace over violence.

Abilities: Being a vampire he has a natural talent for magic, the only thing he has left from his vampire side is his family's special shadow magic. He can bend, warp, and control shadows at will, this helps with tricks, traps, and overall combat.

The old man also taught him how to fight with a blade so he can at least take care of him self when it comes to close encounters.
Name: Vick
Age: 21
Race Human
Gender: Male

Hair: Wavy crimson hair, short in the back long in the front.

Eyes: Completely pitch black,

Face: His eyes are sharp he doesn't have any scars, he has a dimple under his left eye.

Body: 6 foot tall, has a very muscular build.

Bio: Where he comes from is a world thats ruled by Demons and Humans. They have been fighting each other for centuries and they still fight to this day. Vick is the son of a greater general I'm the Human's army, when he was able to first walk he was trained to become a soldier. Once he hit his teenage years he was forced into the military and his skills and talent allowed him to rise in the ranks rather quickly, many hated him but he was untouchable because of his father.

In the most recent battle his father faced against one of the Demon army's war lords, after a long fight his father successfully beat the demon and won the battle. The war lord was taken prisoner by the humans and as a reward for his efforts Vick's father was given a spear made of the strongest material known to man and fused with the war lords soul, it was the first time they had ever tried this and it was a huge success. The spear was so powerful that it was dangerous to use against humans, however there was one draw back, the spear was cursed by the war lord and his soul clings to whoever uses it, the war lord Larz's soul lives on in the weapon.

Vicks father became very sick shortly after the battle and we was forced to retire, a few years later on his deathbed Vick's father gave him the spear as a family heirloom, and he passed away shortly after. Vick was now the head of his family and had the first ever and most powerful demon enchanted weapon, however the enemies he made while in the military held onto their petty grudges and now that his father has passed they desired to strike against him. Vick's enemy's gathered the Humans greatest mages and sorcerers and they cast a soul curse on him, he was bound to the spear and became life linked to the demon sleeping in it now if the spear is broken or taken too far from him he will die with the demon inside it. Not only that but they also banished him from their dimension throwing him into an unknown world with his cursed weapon Larz.

Personality: Vick is a serious person that likes the quiet. He will see any job through to the end no mater what and will give his life if the cause is great enough.

Larz: A war lord in the Demons army he was a powerful being with the ability to control his size and weight, he fell many foes and his dark twisted mind has no limits. Once being trapped he became enraged swearing vengeance on all humanity, however when he was bound to Vick his twisted mind began thinking of ways to use him. Larz whispers and talks with Vick trying to take over his body so that he may once again be free but Vick is a very strong willed man and can't be so easily swayed.

Extra info: Because Larz has become fused with the spear it now has all the abilities he once did and the user can use them if they can handle it, Larz has the distinct ability to change his size and weight so now Vick can do the same to the spear making it as big or heavy as he wants. Larz can talk to as well as see what's around him he will often try and trick others into using the spear so he can take control of them.

Larz and Vick are life linked meaning that their souls are connected. This allows Vick to be able to properly use Larz and also enhances his own physical strength. However this also makes it easier for Larz to take over Vick and control his body, if Vick gets swallowed by Larz it's game over. Life link also means that if Vick were to die then so would Larz causing the spear to lose all of its special abilities, if you take Larz to far away from Vick they'll die, and if you can manage to break the spear they will die but the spear is made of special metal that doesn't chip or rust it's also heat resistant and stronger than titanium.
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