Wife of TrashPanda. Queen of Monkeys.
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔

First, I would love to thank my dear friend Mellifluous, whom has given me permission to borrow a few things of my choosing from a HP game she had done in the past. Mel, I love you and respect you so much, thank you!
I will likely only put this into action if we can get at least five submitted profiles, not counting mine. We want to make sure this doesn't quickly crash and burn.
This will function in a very sandbox manner, GM guidance will only come in once in awhile to introduce some kind of special event or something like that. There really won't be any kind of dramatic plot involved, we're here to just have fun and enjoy the HP universe.
This will be set 50 years after the events of the books.
Can we play professors/teachers? Yes. I'll include a list for what is still available.
- Is there a posting order? No, there is not.
- Can we rp smut in the main thread? We're prefer not, we'll have a smut thread for that... my primary reasoning is so the main thread does not get flooded with smut and other replies get lost and/or unseen.
- Can we play canons or have canon relations? No, as stated in the rules, no one may play canons or be related to canons. We want pure original characters that shine on their own without being connected to a canon.
- Must University students wear uniforms? The Hogwarts robe with their house emblem, yes… but the uniform itself? No, students at the university level have the privilege to wear whatever they like as long as it's tasteful.
- Can we play as non-humans or mixed species? No. Humans only.
Site rules are to be respected at all times. Which will also means that Hogwarts High School and under students will not be making any appearances at all.
[*]Absolutely no characters with relations to canon characters. No exceptions. We want purely original creations only.
[*]Harassment of individuals with chaotic schedules will not be tolerated, not everyone has time to post every day.
[*]No meta-gaming. (Meta-gaming is having your character somehow know secrets and other things about another character that they couldn't possibly logically know unless given this information by that character)
[*]No God-moding. (God-moding is the act of attempting to control what another individual's character says or does in a scene, especially without consulting the other player to gain their permission)
[*]No non-con that has not been agreed upon by both players regarding the characters involved ahead of time.
[*]If a player does not wish to engage in interactions or scenes with your character, please respect their wishes. Let's maintain a fun and friendly environment where people feel comfortable.
[*]Let's keep OOC drama down to a bare minimum. We're all grown adults and we should conduct ourselves accordingly.
[*]Please use the header provided, it helps keep things neat and organized, especially when we'll be keeping an entire week of in-game days open for a month in real time, you'll find it much easier to keep track of everything.
[*]Student/Professor sexual/romantic relationships are prohibited by school rules… don't get caught…
[*]Lastly, Make sure you let Missmonkey know if there is a faceclaim you wish to reserve and lockdown, I will get it listed for you at the bottom of this page. We do not accept anime or artwork.
[*]Absolutely no characters with relations to canon characters. No exceptions. We want purely original creations only.
[*]Harassment of individuals with chaotic schedules will not be tolerated, not everyone has time to post every day.
[*]No meta-gaming. (Meta-gaming is having your character somehow know secrets and other things about another character that they couldn't possibly logically know unless given this information by that character)
[*]No God-moding. (God-moding is the act of attempting to control what another individual's character says or does in a scene, especially without consulting the other player to gain their permission)
[*]No non-con that has not been agreed upon by both players regarding the characters involved ahead of time.
[*]If a player does not wish to engage in interactions or scenes with your character, please respect their wishes. Let's maintain a fun and friendly environment where people feel comfortable.
[*]Let's keep OOC drama down to a bare minimum. We're all grown adults and we should conduct ourselves accordingly.
[*]Please use the header provided, it helps keep things neat and organized, especially when we'll be keeping an entire week of in-game days open for a month in real time, you'll find it much easier to keep track of everything.
[*]Student/Professor sexual/romantic relationships are prohibited by school rules… don't get caught…
[*]Lastly, Make sure you let Missmonkey know if there is a faceclaim you wish to reserve and lockdown, I will get it listed for you at the bottom of this page. We do not accept anime or artwork.
Hogwarts University
After Hermione Granger joined the ministry after graduating from Hogwarts, she persuaded the necessary individuals to introduce university years to Hogwarts; A higher level of education with a focus on career, ranging from ministry work, auror lessons, magical medicine, the performing arts, cooking, just about anything a wizard or witch's heart could ever wish to pursue. They got it all.
Our story begins 50 years after the defeat of Voldemort.
While some families still attempt to maintain a pure wizard bloodline, the prejudices against muggle borns has died down to practically non-existent and attacks against muggles and/or muggle born wizards/witches are treated with extreme contempt.
Head: The head of Hogwarts is a vital role in overseeing the school. The head has final say on all serious matters such as hirings, firings and expulsions as well as many other aspects of management. In general, the role is highly respected by all students and teachers because it is unheard of for a head to be properly appointed and to not fit the role remarkably well. While they may be a slight worry for worse-behaved students the Head of Hogwarts is far from a draconian authority figure and more a caring, guiding protector. All heads of hogwarts have always taught a class, too.
Deputy Head: Second to the head, and sometimes a head of a house as well as a teacher in their own right the deputy head advises the head of the school and deals with matters slightly lower down the totem pole, often problem students who do not yet risk warranting expulsion. The deputy head also often helps and advises other teachers when necessary.
Hogwart is presently watched over by Headmaster August Kincaid and Deputy Headmaster Valentine Lexington.

Each Hogwarts house has their own common room and co-ed dorm wings. Each university student will have their own dorm room.
As a privilege of basically being grown adults, so long as devotion to ones education is observed through their grades and etc, university students do not receive many of the restrictions that younger students do: It is not prohibited for males and females to be in each others rooms, university students may visit Hogsmede whenever they should find themselves with down time, university students made also choose to stay in Hogsmede over the weekends.
Head of House: Each house is headed by a teacher, almost always an alumnus of that house in their own day. The head of house sees to it that the students of that house give their all in classes, behave responsibly and uphold the good name of their house.
Grounds keeper: Responsible for the maintenance of the grounds of Hogwarts, a large area, this role often includes monitoring the forbidden forest, caring for magical creatures and ensuring that the exterior of Hogwarts is both resplendent and safe.
Caretaker: Much as the Grounds Keeper cares for the exterior of Hogwarts the caretaker takes on the task of keeping the interior clean and tidy. They often find themselves at odds with irresponsible and messy students.
Matron: While safety is paramount it is inevitable that injuries wil occur and it falls to the matron to aid any and all students or teachers who fall ill or suffer injuries in Hogwarts. The role is invariable taken on by an expert in healing spells and potions.
Librarian: With so much studying for all students it is natural that the library of Hogwarts is vast and must be dilligently maintained. The books are always well-tracked and well looked after as many are completely unique and impossible to replicate due to ancient spells.
Head Boy/Girl: At any given time there is a single Head Boy and a single Head Girl, each chosen in their fifth and final year. They focus on overseeing the prefects, reporting wrongdoings and issues to teachers and helping to make sure the student body's voices are heard.
Prefect: As two from each house are chosen in their third year there are always six prefects from each house as they remain prefects for their fourth and fifth years too. Prefects report back on issues to the Head Boy and Girl and they are expected to help their classmates, to encourage excellence from their house and to set an example for other students.
History of Magic Professor
History of Magic Teaching Assistant
Muggle Studies Professor
Muggle Studies Teaching Assistant
Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Teaching Assistant
Charms Professor
Charms Teaching Assistant
Library Aide
Potions Professor
Potions Teaching Assistant
Ancient Studies Professor
Ancient Studies Teaching Assistant
Art Professor
Art Teaching Assistant
Alchemy Professor
Alchemy Teaching Assistant
Arithmancy Professor
Arithmancy Teaching Assistant
Astronomy Professor
Astronomy Teaching Assistant
Divination Professor
Divination Teaching Assistant
Transfiguration Professor
Transfiguration Teaching Assistant
Herbology Professor
Herbology Teaching Assistant
Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Teaching Assistant
Choir Instructor
Choir Teaching Assistant
Apparation Instructor
Apparation Teaching Assistant
Flying Instructor
Flying Teaching Assistant
Archaeology Professor
Archaeology Teaching Assistant
Dragon Lore Professor
Dragon Lore Teaching Assistant
Runes Professor
Runes Teaching Assistant
Music Professor
Music Teaching Assistant
Grounds keeper: Responsible for the maintenance of the grounds of Hogwarts, a large area, this role often includes monitoring the forbidden forest, caring for magical creatures and ensuring that the exterior of Hogwarts is both resplendent and safe.
Caretaker: Much as the Grounds Keeper cares for the exterior of Hogwarts the caretaker takes on the task of keeping the interior clean and tidy. They often find themselves at odds with irresponsible and messy students.
Matron: While safety is paramount it is inevitable that injuries wil occur and it falls to the matron to aid any and all students or teachers who fall ill or suffer injuries in Hogwarts. The role is invariable taken on by an expert in healing spells and potions.
Librarian: With so much studying for all students it is natural that the library of Hogwarts is vast and must be dilligently maintained. The books are always well-tracked and well looked after as many are completely unique and impossible to replicate due to ancient spells.
Head Boy/Girl: At any given time there is a single Head Boy and a single Head Girl, each chosen in their fifth and final year. They focus on overseeing the prefects, reporting wrongdoings and issues to teachers and helping to make sure the student body's voices are heard.
Prefect: As two from each house are chosen in their third year there are always six prefects from each house as they remain prefects for their fourth and fifth years too. Prefects report back on issues to the Head Boy and Girl and they are expected to help their classmates, to encourage excellence from their house and to set an example for other students.
History of Magic Professor
History of Magic Teaching Assistant
Muggle Studies Professor
Muggle Studies Teaching Assistant
Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Teaching Assistant
Charms Professor
Charms Teaching Assistant
Library Aide
Potions Professor
Potions Teaching Assistant
Ancient Studies Professor
Ancient Studies Teaching Assistant
Art Professor
Art Teaching Assistant
Alchemy Professor
Alchemy Teaching Assistant
Arithmancy Professor
Arithmancy Teaching Assistant
Astronomy Professor
Astronomy Teaching Assistant
Divination Professor
Divination Teaching Assistant
Transfiguration Professor
Transfiguration Teaching Assistant
Herbology Professor
Herbology Teaching Assistant
Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Teaching Assistant
Choir Instructor
Choir Teaching Assistant
Apparation Instructor
Apparation Teaching Assistant
Flying Instructor
Flying Teaching Assistant
Archaeology Professor
Archaeology Teaching Assistant
Dragon Lore Professor
Dragon Lore Teaching Assistant
Runes Professor
Runes Teaching Assistant
Music Professor
Music Teaching Assistant
Acacia: These wands are highly precocious and picky. They favour subtle owners and can be powerful in the right hands.
Alder: Alder wood is stubborn and unyielding but, unusually, pairs best with a contrasting owner who is helpful and considerate. When well-paired Alder wands are powerful, extremely loyal and especially adept at non-verbal magic.
Apple: Applewood wands are rare but powerful however they have little aptitude for dark or harmful magic.
Ash: These wands bond strongly to their first owner. They prefer a courageous, strong-minded but not arrogant owner. It takes time and loyalty to get the best of an Ash wand.
Aspen: Aspen Wands favour martial, dueling magic. They are adept at swiftly casting and it is well known to be a bad idea to duel an Aspen wand wielder unprepared.
Beech: These wands have an exceptional reputation for beautifully artistic, intricate spellcasting but they will only perform such feats for a wise, open-hearted owner. The ignorant and intolerant will see little mileage from a beech wand.
Birch: Birchwood wands are particularly tolerant of almost any owner. They are not the most powerful but they can be precise. These wands are perfectly content to be used for right or wrong.
Blackthorn: These wands are seen as the tool of a warrior. It requires proof of strong-will and survivorship to truly bond with a blackthorn wand but once this bond is created it is as close to unbreakable as any bond with a wand can be.
Black Walnut: Black walnut wands make excellent charm wands however they will only bond with an owner who is not only honest with others but also with themselves, favouring sincere, introspective souls.
Cedar: Cedar wands are drawn to those with a sharp awareness of their surroundings. These wands are aware themselves, often acting when they perceive a threat. Cedar Wands bond best with those who are deeply protective of their friends and loved ones.
Cherry: These wands are expensive, beautiful and potentially extremely destructive. They can be dangerous when paired with any core and they should only be placed in the hands of those who know how to exercise caution or they can be just as dangerous for the wielder as any foe.
Chestnut: The power of a chestnut wand truly depends on the bond it forms with its owner. They favor owners who are kind to magical beasts and the natural world. For the right person these wands can be extremely loyal, dependable and powerful.
Cypress: Cypress wands have an affinity for those who are extremely self-sacrificing, becoming closely bonded to them and rejecting any selfish wielder.
Dogwood: These wands are unpredictable and at times even potentially dangerous. They require a fun, exciting wizard with an ingenious nature to really put them through their paces and if used well they can be extremely spectacular if far from quiet, despising non-verbal spells and often making unnecessary noise.
Ebony: These wands are beautiful and well-regarded. They are best in the hands of those who do not bow or bend easily, who hold fast to their strongly held beliefs. If well-paired they are excellent at martial spellcasting and transfiguration.
English Oak: These wands are tightly bound to any who are strong, courageous and honest. They are extremely loyal to those with a good heart.
Elder (Barred): There is just a single Elder Wand. It is arguably the hardest wand in existence to master, more temperamental than any other and useless in the vast majority's hands. A successful wielder must not only be remarkable but more talented than all those nearby, too, to earn the wand's loyalty. This material likely possesses the most power of any wood used for wand making but it is, perhaps thankfully, unbelievably rare.
Elm: These wands were once a common marker among pureblood families. They are reliable and precise and seen as more sophisticated than other wands. They are beautiful to look at but require an owner with confidence and presence to earn their respect.
Fir: These wands need an owner who is near-immutable. The strong-willed who would fight to their last will find the perfect wand for transfiguration magic. In the hands of the chaotic and indecisive, these wands will be quick to rebel.
Hawthorn: These wands are noted for their duality. They are uniquely adept at both inflicting harm and healing it but they require an owner who shares that dual nature, someone who can be both compassionate and vicious depending on what they are faced with.
Holly: These wands require purpose. They prefer owners who are intense and fiery, with a true drive, who can at times even need calming down from the sheer strength of their emotions. Holly wands are not suited to a mundane life.
Hornbeam: These wands favor those with a true passion. They will adapt fast to that owner and their love and they become near-useless for almost all other things. Hornbeam wands are not ones for the mercurial.
Ivy: Ivy Wands favor those who are restrained, measured and quiet. They are exceptional for casting non-verbal magic and their spells can be notably quiet compared to other wands. They like to be in the hands of potion makers and tend to be best for harmful magic.
Larch: These wands seek out owners who have unrealized potential. They can find that talent and draw it out, leading to a remarkable team if the owner leans in to and accepts the skill granted by this wand.
Laurel: These wands do not just want honesty but demand it. They are extremely powerful in the hands of the honest and trustworthy but they will become useless in a few moments if the owner tells lies or betrays others.
Mahogany: These wands seek out protectors and carers. They can be dangerous but only when used for a righteous cause. These wands are very weak in the hands of a bully.
Maple: These wands are tailor-made for adventurers. The more the owner travels and experiences the more the wand will show its remarkable versatility and potential. If left to stagnate these wands become lethargic and weak.
Pear: These wands despise dark magic and cruelty. They are perfect for those who are kind and honest. Using these wands for dark magic will see them useless. They are often in the hands of the upstanding and selfless. These wands are exceptionally hard to damage.
Pine: These wands are drawn to solitary, independent types. Pine wands are the opposite of stubborn, loving to be used for creative new spells. Pine wands are particularly apt for non-verbal magic and seem to have a knack for finding long-lived owners.
Poplar: Poplar wands are as consistent, reliable and powerful as those they chose. They like an owner who understands themselves and who is possessed of clear, strong morals.
Prickly Ash: These wands are rare and always American in origin. They are hard to wield but, with time and respect, can build a strong connection with the wielder. They can be overly destructive if not reigned in and require a strong-willed owner.
Red Oak: These wands make for masterful dueling wands due to their swiftness. They prefer quick-witted, adaptable owners who can craft unique spells. Ollivander himself considers these wands to be particularly handsome to look upon.
Redwood: These wands are universally in high demand despite their rarity. This is because most believe that they bring good fortune. In reality it is simply that Redwood wands are drawn to the lucky and while powerful they seek out luck but do not bestow it.
Reed: Reed wands value loyalty in their owner, loyalty to their friends and their loved ones. They lean towards boldness and a willingness to not back down from their opinions. They are not the most powerful but their owners are almost always respected due to their owner's almost certain loyalty.
Rosewood: Rosewood is a beautiful material that confers a sweet scent to wands. It favours the eloquent, poised and precise. Clumsy, reckless or ignorant wielders will struggle with a rosewood wand. When well-bonded these wands are renowned for their accuracy and power.
Rowan: These wands are as renowned for their powerful defensive charms as they are for their rejection of the dark arts. They make excellent wands for enemies of dark wizards and their defense is so powerful they are hard to overcome. They only choose pure-hearted wizards.
Silver Lime: Silver Pine is popular for its beauty but it is rare in the modern wizarding world due to its extreme former popularity. In reality, these wands are really only especially useful in the hands of seers and legilimens.
Spruce: Spruce wands require firmness and surety to be properly and safely wielded. They can be dangerous in the hands of the clumsy. In the right hands, they can be very powerful, flashy and dramatic.
Snakewood: Snakewood wands are rare and seek out those with strong but capricious natures. They like owners who are willing to stand up for themselves, perhaps even those who are prone to be a little power-hungry. These wands dislike owners who are too timid or meek.
Sugar Maple: Sugar Maple is seen as a material for kindly wands. These wands will bond well with their first wielder almost irrespective of their nature, making them an excellent choice for those who may struggle to find kinship with other, more selective materials.
Swamp Mayhaw: Only found near New Orleans this material creates wands that cast intricate charms. It favours those who are strong survivors, bonding more with those who have suffered at least some hardships and pulled through well. These wands struggle to bond to those who have had life too easy.
Sycamore: Sycamore is truly the wand of an adventurer so much so that overly idle Sycamore wands have been known to spontaneously combust. They must be used, challenged and wielded by a curious, bold owner. These wands are usually some of the most versatile and adaptive.
Tamarack: These wands are relentlessly inflexible. They bond firmly to their first owner and their early style, forming a strong connection but struggling to learn and adapt particularly on the fly. They require good surety and confidence.
Vine: Vine wands are somewhat rare. They seek those who have unrealized potential and often those around them will be surprised that this person has been picked by a vine wand. They almost always draw out hidden depths in a person and help them to push themselves to fulfill some buried dream.
Walnut: These wands require only innovation and brilliance and in return, they reward exceptional versatility. While they can be used for good there is often an element of distrust in Walnut wand wielders as they can be put to use inflicting great harm and they will never rebel provided the wielder maintains their brilliance.
Willow: These wands prefer those who have unrealized potential, lacking in confidence but balancing it with a great deal of untapped ability. Their owners are typically at least somewhat insecure, even if that insecurity is unwarranted. They have a remarkable knack for healing magic as well as non-verbal magic.
Yew: These wands favour the strong-willed and bold, never the timid. They are equally adept for curses as they are for defensive charms. These wands typically find themselves in the hands of true heroes or villains and they have a fearsome reputation as the wand of a duellist as they can and will inflict great harm if urged.
Alder: Alder wood is stubborn and unyielding but, unusually, pairs best with a contrasting owner who is helpful and considerate. When well-paired Alder wands are powerful, extremely loyal and especially adept at non-verbal magic.
Apple: Applewood wands are rare but powerful however they have little aptitude for dark or harmful magic.
Ash: These wands bond strongly to their first owner. They prefer a courageous, strong-minded but not arrogant owner. It takes time and loyalty to get the best of an Ash wand.
Aspen: Aspen Wands favour martial, dueling magic. They are adept at swiftly casting and it is well known to be a bad idea to duel an Aspen wand wielder unprepared.
Beech: These wands have an exceptional reputation for beautifully artistic, intricate spellcasting but they will only perform such feats for a wise, open-hearted owner. The ignorant and intolerant will see little mileage from a beech wand.
Birch: Birchwood wands are particularly tolerant of almost any owner. They are not the most powerful but they can be precise. These wands are perfectly content to be used for right or wrong.
Blackthorn: These wands are seen as the tool of a warrior. It requires proof of strong-will and survivorship to truly bond with a blackthorn wand but once this bond is created it is as close to unbreakable as any bond with a wand can be.
Black Walnut: Black walnut wands make excellent charm wands however they will only bond with an owner who is not only honest with others but also with themselves, favouring sincere, introspective souls.
Cedar: Cedar wands are drawn to those with a sharp awareness of their surroundings. These wands are aware themselves, often acting when they perceive a threat. Cedar Wands bond best with those who are deeply protective of their friends and loved ones.
Cherry: These wands are expensive, beautiful and potentially extremely destructive. They can be dangerous when paired with any core and they should only be placed in the hands of those who know how to exercise caution or they can be just as dangerous for the wielder as any foe.
Chestnut: The power of a chestnut wand truly depends on the bond it forms with its owner. They favor owners who are kind to magical beasts and the natural world. For the right person these wands can be extremely loyal, dependable and powerful.
Cypress: Cypress wands have an affinity for those who are extremely self-sacrificing, becoming closely bonded to them and rejecting any selfish wielder.
Dogwood: These wands are unpredictable and at times even potentially dangerous. They require a fun, exciting wizard with an ingenious nature to really put them through their paces and if used well they can be extremely spectacular if far from quiet, despising non-verbal spells and often making unnecessary noise.
Ebony: These wands are beautiful and well-regarded. They are best in the hands of those who do not bow or bend easily, who hold fast to their strongly held beliefs. If well-paired they are excellent at martial spellcasting and transfiguration.
English Oak: These wands are tightly bound to any who are strong, courageous and honest. They are extremely loyal to those with a good heart.
Elder (Barred): There is just a single Elder Wand. It is arguably the hardest wand in existence to master, more temperamental than any other and useless in the vast majority's hands. A successful wielder must not only be remarkable but more talented than all those nearby, too, to earn the wand's loyalty. This material likely possesses the most power of any wood used for wand making but it is, perhaps thankfully, unbelievably rare.
Elm: These wands were once a common marker among pureblood families. They are reliable and precise and seen as more sophisticated than other wands. They are beautiful to look at but require an owner with confidence and presence to earn their respect.
Fir: These wands need an owner who is near-immutable. The strong-willed who would fight to their last will find the perfect wand for transfiguration magic. In the hands of the chaotic and indecisive, these wands will be quick to rebel.
Hawthorn: These wands are noted for their duality. They are uniquely adept at both inflicting harm and healing it but they require an owner who shares that dual nature, someone who can be both compassionate and vicious depending on what they are faced with.
Holly: These wands require purpose. They prefer owners who are intense and fiery, with a true drive, who can at times even need calming down from the sheer strength of their emotions. Holly wands are not suited to a mundane life.
Hornbeam: These wands favor those with a true passion. They will adapt fast to that owner and their love and they become near-useless for almost all other things. Hornbeam wands are not ones for the mercurial.
Ivy: Ivy Wands favor those who are restrained, measured and quiet. They are exceptional for casting non-verbal magic and their spells can be notably quiet compared to other wands. They like to be in the hands of potion makers and tend to be best for harmful magic.
Larch: These wands seek out owners who have unrealized potential. They can find that talent and draw it out, leading to a remarkable team if the owner leans in to and accepts the skill granted by this wand.
Laurel: These wands do not just want honesty but demand it. They are extremely powerful in the hands of the honest and trustworthy but they will become useless in a few moments if the owner tells lies or betrays others.
Mahogany: These wands seek out protectors and carers. They can be dangerous but only when used for a righteous cause. These wands are very weak in the hands of a bully.
Maple: These wands are tailor-made for adventurers. The more the owner travels and experiences the more the wand will show its remarkable versatility and potential. If left to stagnate these wands become lethargic and weak.
Pear: These wands despise dark magic and cruelty. They are perfect for those who are kind and honest. Using these wands for dark magic will see them useless. They are often in the hands of the upstanding and selfless. These wands are exceptionally hard to damage.
Pine: These wands are drawn to solitary, independent types. Pine wands are the opposite of stubborn, loving to be used for creative new spells. Pine wands are particularly apt for non-verbal magic and seem to have a knack for finding long-lived owners.
Poplar: Poplar wands are as consistent, reliable and powerful as those they chose. They like an owner who understands themselves and who is possessed of clear, strong morals.
Prickly Ash: These wands are rare and always American in origin. They are hard to wield but, with time and respect, can build a strong connection with the wielder. They can be overly destructive if not reigned in and require a strong-willed owner.
Red Oak: These wands make for masterful dueling wands due to their swiftness. They prefer quick-witted, adaptable owners who can craft unique spells. Ollivander himself considers these wands to be particularly handsome to look upon.
Redwood: These wands are universally in high demand despite their rarity. This is because most believe that they bring good fortune. In reality it is simply that Redwood wands are drawn to the lucky and while powerful they seek out luck but do not bestow it.
Reed: Reed wands value loyalty in their owner, loyalty to their friends and their loved ones. They lean towards boldness and a willingness to not back down from their opinions. They are not the most powerful but their owners are almost always respected due to their owner's almost certain loyalty.
Rosewood: Rosewood is a beautiful material that confers a sweet scent to wands. It favours the eloquent, poised and precise. Clumsy, reckless or ignorant wielders will struggle with a rosewood wand. When well-bonded these wands are renowned for their accuracy and power.
Rowan: These wands are as renowned for their powerful defensive charms as they are for their rejection of the dark arts. They make excellent wands for enemies of dark wizards and their defense is so powerful they are hard to overcome. They only choose pure-hearted wizards.
Silver Lime: Silver Pine is popular for its beauty but it is rare in the modern wizarding world due to its extreme former popularity. In reality, these wands are really only especially useful in the hands of seers and legilimens.
Spruce: Spruce wands require firmness and surety to be properly and safely wielded. They can be dangerous in the hands of the clumsy. In the right hands, they can be very powerful, flashy and dramatic.
Snakewood: Snakewood wands are rare and seek out those with strong but capricious natures. They like owners who are willing to stand up for themselves, perhaps even those who are prone to be a little power-hungry. These wands dislike owners who are too timid or meek.
Sugar Maple: Sugar Maple is seen as a material for kindly wands. These wands will bond well with their first wielder almost irrespective of their nature, making them an excellent choice for those who may struggle to find kinship with other, more selective materials.
Swamp Mayhaw: Only found near New Orleans this material creates wands that cast intricate charms. It favours those who are strong survivors, bonding more with those who have suffered at least some hardships and pulled through well. These wands struggle to bond to those who have had life too easy.
Sycamore: Sycamore is truly the wand of an adventurer so much so that overly idle Sycamore wands have been known to spontaneously combust. They must be used, challenged and wielded by a curious, bold owner. These wands are usually some of the most versatile and adaptive.
Tamarack: These wands are relentlessly inflexible. They bond firmly to their first owner and their early style, forming a strong connection but struggling to learn and adapt particularly on the fly. They require good surety and confidence.
Vine: Vine wands are somewhat rare. They seek those who have unrealized potential and often those around them will be surprised that this person has been picked by a vine wand. They almost always draw out hidden depths in a person and help them to push themselves to fulfill some buried dream.
Walnut: These wands require only innovation and brilliance and in return, they reward exceptional versatility. While they can be used for good there is often an element of distrust in Walnut wand wielders as they can be put to use inflicting great harm and they will never rebel provided the wielder maintains their brilliance.
Willow: These wands prefer those who have unrealized potential, lacking in confidence but balancing it with a great deal of untapped ability. Their owners are typically at least somewhat insecure, even if that insecurity is unwarranted. They have a remarkable knack for healing magic as well as non-verbal magic.
Yew: These wands favour the strong-willed and bold, never the timid. They are equally adept for curses as they are for defensive charms. These wands typically find themselves in the hands of true heroes or villains and they have a fearsome reputation as the wand of a duellist as they can and will inflict great harm if urged.
Dragon Heartstring: Dragon Heartstring wands possess remarkable power. They are capable of flashy spells but also prone to accidents. They can be turned to the dark arts with relative ease though they have no leanings themselves. Dragon Heartstring wands bond fast and learn fast, meaning they can be taken by a new owner but also that they form a strong tie to anyone wielding them.
Unicorn Tail Hair: While Unicorn Tail Hair wands are somewhat prone to issues if misused and not the most powerful of cores they are extraordinarily reliable both in terms of consistently producing the correct spells and in terms of forming an unshakable bond with their first user. It is near-impossible to turn a Unicorn Tail Hair wand to the dark arts.
Phoenix Feather: Phoenix Feather wands are some of the rarest in existence. There are only a handful in existence. They are highly powerful and versatile but also independent, at times even casting spells of their own volition. Phoenix Feather Wands are not only rare but also very picky and often will not work at all for the wrong wielder.
Veela Hair: Veela Hair wands are rare and particularly temperamental. They can be powerful but extremely unreliable, often taking the initiative even after years of bonding with their owner. Wielding a veela hair wand means embracing risk and chaos, and trusting the wand. Ollivander will not make Veela hair wands but there are a few in Britain brought over from France. Veela Hair Wands are also extremely hard to make, a major factor in why Ollivander does not use the material when it poses great risk and effort for little real reward.
Kneazle Whisker: Kneazle Whisker Wands are a rarity not due to the difficulty of creating them but due to their general lack of power. They are capable, reasonably dependable wands with no glaring flaws but they simply cannot reach the heights of any other wand's potential. These wands are often made by second-rate wand makers who struggle to acquire first-rate materials.
Dittany Stalk: Dittany Stalk wands are, at times, mocked. They have an aptitude for kindly, healing magic and they do very poorly in any kind of duel. Dittany Stalk wands are very reliable, though, and some argue their safety should be seen as highly useful for those who do not wish to cause harm to others. Dittany Stalk wands are almost tailor-made for pacifists and they are usually made by more rural, hippy wand makers.
Kelpie Hair: Kelpie Hair is considered to be an outdated choice for a wand's core. It is very readily attainable and a favorite among black market wand makers even now but it has been superseded by better options. It used to be extremely popular, though, and many older generations wield more Kelpie Hair wands.
Troll Whisker: Troll Whisker wands are considered to be both weak and actively dangerous as they are not only temperamental but also considered to be somewhat 'stupid'. Troll Whisker wands are prone to casting entirely the wrong magic for no reason. Wielding a Troll Whisker Wand is considered to be a bad idea by most.
Koralle: Koralle wands are an extreme rarity outside of Eastern Europe but they can be found far more commonly in the hands of Durmstrang students. Koralle Wands are powerful but rigid, taking significant time to learn new magic and to warm up to any wielder, not just new ones.
Thunderbird Tail Feather: Thunderbird Tail Feather wands possess great power but also pose a real challenge to a wielder. They dislike direction and will often act on their own, warning their wielder of curses and sometimes casting spells of their own volition. Thunderbird Tail Feather wands are particularly attuned to transmogrification magic. These wands are notably more common in America.
Wampus Cat Hair: Wampus Cat Hair wands are the reliable favorite of American wandmakers. They may not be flashy but they are consistent, powerful enough and generally both easy to make and easy to wield. They remain rare in Britain but there are certainly some.
White River Monster Spine: Only one wand maker ever mastered the creation of these wands and so all White River Monster Spine wands were crafted in America. The oldest are around seventy years old and the newest around twenty years old. They are almost entirely only passed down through American heritage, though a few have made their way into British wand shops. When used these wands are both elegant and forceful but also a challenge to wield properly, demanding flawless precision from their owner.
Snallygaster Heartstring: Snallygaster Heartstrings make for a simply mediocre material. Rarely used outside of America, and rarely used at all in the modern day due to the preference of Wampus Cat Hair wands. Snallygaster Hearstring Wands possess no truly great strengths or flaws.
Jackalope Antler: Jackalope Antler Wands are good for one, single thing. Speed. Jackalope Antler wands may not be the strong, or most reliable, but they are still widely respected as wands for duellists with very quick reflexes. They are near-useless in the hands of most people who have average reflexes but a quick-thinking, quick-moving wielder can dominate by simply striking first and maintaining an offense. These wands do remain rare and they are still mostly made in America.
Unicorn Tail Hair: While Unicorn Tail Hair wands are somewhat prone to issues if misused and not the most powerful of cores they are extraordinarily reliable both in terms of consistently producing the correct spells and in terms of forming an unshakable bond with their first user. It is near-impossible to turn a Unicorn Tail Hair wand to the dark arts.
Phoenix Feather: Phoenix Feather wands are some of the rarest in existence. There are only a handful in existence. They are highly powerful and versatile but also independent, at times even casting spells of their own volition. Phoenix Feather Wands are not only rare but also very picky and often will not work at all for the wrong wielder.
Veela Hair: Veela Hair wands are rare and particularly temperamental. They can be powerful but extremely unreliable, often taking the initiative even after years of bonding with their owner. Wielding a veela hair wand means embracing risk and chaos, and trusting the wand. Ollivander will not make Veela hair wands but there are a few in Britain brought over from France. Veela Hair Wands are also extremely hard to make, a major factor in why Ollivander does not use the material when it poses great risk and effort for little real reward.
Kneazle Whisker: Kneazle Whisker Wands are a rarity not due to the difficulty of creating them but due to their general lack of power. They are capable, reasonably dependable wands with no glaring flaws but they simply cannot reach the heights of any other wand's potential. These wands are often made by second-rate wand makers who struggle to acquire first-rate materials.
Dittany Stalk: Dittany Stalk wands are, at times, mocked. They have an aptitude for kindly, healing magic and they do very poorly in any kind of duel. Dittany Stalk wands are very reliable, though, and some argue their safety should be seen as highly useful for those who do not wish to cause harm to others. Dittany Stalk wands are almost tailor-made for pacifists and they are usually made by more rural, hippy wand makers.
Kelpie Hair: Kelpie Hair is considered to be an outdated choice for a wand's core. It is very readily attainable and a favorite among black market wand makers even now but it has been superseded by better options. It used to be extremely popular, though, and many older generations wield more Kelpie Hair wands.
Troll Whisker: Troll Whisker wands are considered to be both weak and actively dangerous as they are not only temperamental but also considered to be somewhat 'stupid'. Troll Whisker wands are prone to casting entirely the wrong magic for no reason. Wielding a Troll Whisker Wand is considered to be a bad idea by most.
Koralle: Koralle wands are an extreme rarity outside of Eastern Europe but they can be found far more commonly in the hands of Durmstrang students. Koralle Wands are powerful but rigid, taking significant time to learn new magic and to warm up to any wielder, not just new ones.
Thunderbird Tail Feather: Thunderbird Tail Feather wands possess great power but also pose a real challenge to a wielder. They dislike direction and will often act on their own, warning their wielder of curses and sometimes casting spells of their own volition. Thunderbird Tail Feather wands are particularly attuned to transmogrification magic. These wands are notably more common in America.
Wampus Cat Hair: Wampus Cat Hair wands are the reliable favorite of American wandmakers. They may not be flashy but they are consistent, powerful enough and generally both easy to make and easy to wield. They remain rare in Britain but there are certainly some.
White River Monster Spine: Only one wand maker ever mastered the creation of these wands and so all White River Monster Spine wands were crafted in America. The oldest are around seventy years old and the newest around twenty years old. They are almost entirely only passed down through American heritage, though a few have made their way into British wand shops. When used these wands are both elegant and forceful but also a challenge to wield properly, demanding flawless precision from their owner.
Snallygaster Heartstring: Snallygaster Heartstrings make for a simply mediocre material. Rarely used outside of America, and rarely used at all in the modern day due to the preference of Wampus Cat Hair wands. Snallygaster Hearstring Wands possess no truly great strengths or flaws.
Jackalope Antler: Jackalope Antler Wands are good for one, single thing. Speed. Jackalope Antler wands may not be the strong, or most reliable, but they are still widely respected as wands for duellists with very quick reflexes. They are near-useless in the hands of most people who have average reflexes but a quick-thinking, quick-moving wielder can dominate by simply striking first and maintaining an offense. These wands do remain rare and they are still mostly made in America.
Most wands are between 9 and 14 inches long. Wands smaller or larger than this do exist but they are extremely rare. Wands also have their own flexibility or rigidity. This can vary from the wand being completely unflinching to remarkably elastic. While this can alter the wand's versatility and adaptiveness as well as its power it is only a factor in the totality of the pairing of wand and wizard that creates their spells.
Examples of Flexibilities include: Very flexible, Quite flexible, Surprisingly Swishy, Quite Bendy, Fairly Bendy, Whippy, Pliant, Supple, Reasonably Supple, Slightly Springy, Slightly Yielding, Solid, Stiff, Hard, Rigid, Unbending, Unyielding, Brittle
Examples of Flexibilities include: Very flexible, Quite flexible, Surprisingly Swishy, Quite Bendy, Fairly Bendy, Whippy, Pliant, Supple, Reasonably Supple, Slightly Springy, Slightly Yielding, Solid, Stiff, Hard, Rigid, Unbending, Unyielding, Brittle
Leave submitted profiles here for review and please make sure they are in spoilers. 1 right aligned photo and 3 in spoilers at the bottom of the profiles are permitted if you prefer to have multiples.
Full Name:
Nickname(s): (Delete if none)
Age & Birthday: (As of Sept. 1st 2022. Must be 18+)
Gender Identity: (All welcome!)
Sexuality: (All welcome!)
Role: Student/Teacher (Include subject taught if teacher & year if student. Also additional roles e.g. head of house, prefect etc.)
House: (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Include if an Alumni too.)
Blood Status: (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle-Born)
Faceclaim: (Must be 18+ and close-ish to the character's age. No using big-name Harry Potter movie actors.)
Notable Features: (Anything distinguishing e.g. tats, piercings, scars etc.)
Personality & History
Personality (Either a list of 8-10 personality traits including flaws or a paragraph.)
History: (At least 3 paragraphs including their early life, teenage years and their experience as a wizard/witch.)
Likes: (At least 3-5 things they like. Non-sexual.)
Dislikes: (At least 3-5 things they dislike. Non-sexual.)
Skills: (At least 3 things they are good at. Non-sexual.)
Flaws: (At least 3 weak points. Non-sexual.)
Wizarding Information
Role: (Student or teacher and year if applicable. Include additional roles e.g. head of house or prefect)
House: (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Include if an Alumni too.)
Subjects Taught/Taken: (Delete as appropriate. Taken subjects only applies for students in 3rd, 4th or 5th year)
Wand: Wood | Core | Length | Flexibility (Please read the setting information for a lot more details on wands! The bulk should be dragon heartstring or unicorn tail hair.)
Patronus: (1st Years esp. late bloomers may not have theirs yet)
Familiar: (Not everyone has one)
Exam Grades:
(Please delete this bracketed text before sending your CS in. The below exams are more thoroughly detailed in the 'Hogwarts University' segment of setting information. O.W.L's are taken at either 16 (5th year school) or after Remedial Wizardry 101. N.E.W.T's are taken at either eighteen (7th year school) or after Remedial Wizardry 102. O.G.R.E's are taken at 20 (2nd Year University). D.R.A.G.O.N's are taken at 23 (5th year university.) They are graded between:
O - Outstanding
E- Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll
It is very rare that a student gets a T and also rare that any student gets more than 1-2 O's. Please delete any segment for exams that character has not yet taken. Please also bear in mind that Hogwarts University opened in 2009 and so the first year of O.G.R.E exams was 2011 and the first year of D.R.A.G.O.N exams was 2014. Students can only take 3-5 subjects at D.R.A.G.O.N level. If a teacher is over 31 they couldn't have taken them and would have gone through the old system meaning O.W.L's then around 3-6 N.E.W.T's.)
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -
Name: Your character's name
Nickname: Your character's nickname
Gender: What gender your character identified with
Age: Your character's age (as of 1st September)
Birthday: Your character's date of birth (Month and Day)
Sexuality: Your character's sexual orientation
Birthplace: Where were they born and raised?
Blood Status: Muggle-born, Pure-blood or Half-blood
Year: What year they are in (first = freshman in university, second = sophomore in university, etc.)
Occupation: What occupation they have - *this is only for faculty positions.*
House: What House they are in, or 'unsorted'
Alumni House: What House they used to be in, as an Alumni. *This is only for faculty positions.*
Wand: Length, wand wood, and core
Patronus: If applicable, what is their patronus
Apparation license: Yes or no
Physical Appearance: Write a brief description of their appearance. Include piercings, tattoos, hair styles and color, eye color, scars, and other markings.
Personality Traits: Write a list of at least five traits. This can be written in bullet form, as a list, or in sentences. Include at least two negative traits.
Brief History: Provide at least two paragraphs that detail your character's history. Be sure to include something about their relationship with magic, who is in their family, and what their affiliation with Hogwarts/other schooling is.
Family: Include the following information: Name, Age, Relationship to your character, occupation, and blood status. If they are deceased, please note it. If your character is a muggle-born, you only need to provide one generation of family. If your character is a half-blood, you must provide two generations of family. If your character is a pure-blood, then you must provide three generations of family.
Likes: List at least three things your character likes.
Dislikes: List at least three things your character dislikes.
Strength: List one thing your character excels at. It can't be a class subject.
Weakness: List one thing that debilitates your character. It can be a fear or phobia.
Passing Grades
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
Failing Grades
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
Failing Grades
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll
OWL Grades: (Fill out your character's grades from when they took their OWLs at age 15.)
Charms -
Transfiguration -
Herbology -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Ancient Runes -
Potions -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Astronomy -
Divination -
History of Magic -
Arithmancy -
Muggle Studies -
NEWT Grades:
This section is only for those classes your character has received a mark of E or better in, on their OWL's. If your character wishes to be placed in an advanced-level class for subjects they earned an E or better on, list those classes here, along with the grade they received on the exam. For example: Care of Magical Creatures - E)
Familiar: If your character has a Familiar, list it here. Include its name and a linked image of it
Face Claim: Write down the name of your character's FC.
On's and Off's: List or write out your character's on's and off's. Or, if you just want to include a link to your personal O/O, please link it here.
Extra: For any additional information you want to include, please put that here.
Name: Your character's name
Nickname: Your character's nickname
Gender: What gender your character identified with
Age: Your character's age (as of 1st September)
Birthday: Your character's date of birth
Sexuality: Your character's sexual orientation
Birthplace: Where were they born and raised?
Blood Status: Muggle-born, Pure-blood or Half-blood
Year: What year they are in (first = freshman in university, second = sophomore in university, etc.)
Magical Institution: Which magical school are they from? (Most common for foreign exchange program would be Ilvermorny, Beauxbatons or Durmstrang)
House: If applicable (should only be Ilvermorny)
Wand: Length, wand wood, and core
Patronus: If applicable, what is their patronus
Apparation license: Yes or no
Physical Appearance: Write a brief description of their appearance. Include piercings, tattoos, hair styles and color, eye color, scars, and other markings.
Personality Traits: Write a list of at least five traits. This can be written in bullet form, as a list, or in sentences. Include at least two negative traits.
Brief History: Provide at least two paragraphs that detail your character's history. who is in their family. However little or as much as you wish.
Likes: List at least three things your character likes.
Dislikes: List at least three things your character dislikes.
Strength: List one thing your character excels at. It can't be a class subject.
Weakness: List one thing that debilitates your character. It can be a fear or phobia.
Familiar: If your character has a Familiar, list it here. Include its name and a linked image of it.
Face Claim: Write down the name of your character's FC.
On's and Off's: List or write out your character's on's and off's. Or, if you just want to include a link to your personal O/O, please link it here.
Extra: For any additional information you want to include, please put that here.
Faceclaim reserves:
Rachel Georgina
Kim Jaejoong
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