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Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts!
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Today 12:28 AM
A queer hispanic person in the midwest walks into a bar...and promptly walks out cuz there's too many people...

Hi, I enjoy writing about queers. I prefer long form, and enjoy ERPing, especially if we end up playing entangled characters in some way. I'm fairly flexible so long as I've gotten enough detail to have the picture of who I am together. It's fun going from one extreme to another. I'm really stoned right now.

Um, I'm pretty open to anything honestly, prefer some fantasy or just some like, crack fic type shit lol

Thanks for welcoming me, and I hope I can foster some positive relationships here.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
Welcome! :) Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
Welcome to the site! we have a ton of amazing writers here and I'm sure you will be writing with one or more of them soon! You already popped into chat, so you know where eh friendlies are if you come across any questions while exploring the site.

Welcome to the site unclewolfy
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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