Character(s) Hope Against All Evil - Characters

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Character(s) Hope Against All Evil - Characters


The None, The Nonely
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she, her
This thread is an aggregator for the character sheets for the primary characters of Hope Against All Evil, specifically those that do not yet have sheets elsewhere. For characters that are in an existing menagerie that can be cross-linked, they may be posted first as a link and then expanded as necessary.

Details may be subject to changes based on OOC discussion and in-fiction changes to the character in question. Reference images will primarily be, at most, suggestive rather than outright explicit, but reader discretion is advised regardless.

All characters included herein are adults, 18 or older in the case of canonically human characters, and of an equivalent but higher age of majority for longer-lived races such as dragonborn, elves, and other long-lived or immortal beings. Which is to say, no characters are under the age of 18, regardless of race. This includes characters that might have multiple technical ages, such as vampires, in all such cases of which the more pragmatic interpretation of their age will still accord with site rules; namely, the age they appear as, or are written to have achieved as of the time of attaining the physical appearance they present in-story, which will invariably be 18 or older.

Any characters stated to be of non-human race have a predominantly human appearance with accent motifs or extra features such as horns, tails, wings, or are written as having the ability to shift into a human form as necessary for intimate scenes as mandated by site rules.

If a character does not have a stated age, note that it has been deliberately redacted for reasons of avoiding spoiling in-fiction reveals in the long run or for reasons of character flair/flavor, rather than to introduce any element of ambiguity about the status of the character with regard to adulthood.
Link to menagerie post: Penumbra

Extra details within the RP at hand:

Appearance (revised): 5'8", slightly younger-looking than base appearance (early 20s), clad in shorter gloves, tunic, skirt.
Power Notes: Diminished greatly in power compared to her height, only possessing her original abilities and a fraction of her acquired abilities from entities she previously consumed (Lurine - Minor Charm), as well as diminished caster level and resultant inability to cast higher-level spells.

In-World Lore Updates: After arriving in the primary reality of the RP, Penumbra became pact-bound as the Patron of a Warlock, whom she refers to as her Knight. After granting his wish to extend her boon by dividing her essence over his numerous Companions, and following the demise of the Knight himself, Penumbra lost the majority of her powers once the Companions bearing vestiges of her power drifted apart. She can maintain a less imposing and less inherently powerful form, and can trace the paths of the trails of essence to locate any of the Companions at will. Once they are all united, she can reclaim her power and achieve her previous form and enhanced abilities.
Flames of Rage
Malum's ability to hit and deal damage, and his ability to recover from damage taken, are enhanced by his rage.

Out of combat, and upon start of combat, Malum has 0 Rage Points.

Every time Malum is hit by a physical attack, or fails to hit an enemy with a physical attack, he gains one Rage Point.

He can expend Rage Points in any of the following ways:
- When dealing damage, deal additional damage per Rage Point expended
- When attacking, improve chance-to-hit per Rage Point expended
- When attacking, apply attack result to additional targets, one per Rage Point expended
- At any time in combat, recover health in proportion to Rage Points expended (Healing Factor)
- Reduce physical damage taken for one round by a fixed amount per Rage Point expended

In using Rage Points for any such purpose, Malum then accrues one additional rage point any time he would gain any number thereof for one subsequent round. Using multiple abilities within a round causes this addition to stack, but not if used
for the same benefit.

At certain Rage Point totals and above, certain penalties are applied to Malum:
- 1 or more: Reduces Malum's AC by 1
- 2 - 3: Reduces Malum's WIS by 2
- 4 or more: Disadvantage on WIS saving throws
- 8 or above: Malum cannot cast any spells
- 10: Unconditionally enter a state of Ardua's Wrath

While in Ardua's Wrath, Malum cannot decide how to expend his Rage Points, and he must remain at exactly 10 Rage Points for the duration. In effect, this means that every time he is dealt damage and thereby gains a Rage Point, he automatically heals himself using those additional Rage Points. If he misses an attack, he uses the rage point gained thereby to increase his result, even if he would still miss. Finally, he does not suffer any of the stacking penalties from having 10 Rage Points, aside from those inherent to Ardua's Wrath.

Superhuman Reaction
His brain processes information faster than most mortal creatures. Allowing him to see the world in slow motion when he focuses. Giving him time to analyze a situation or think on his response to a specific conversation.

Healing Factor
Due to his unique physiology. Malum heals much faster than most beings. Broken bones heal in a matter of days. Cuts in hours. Bruises and shallow cuts heal nearly instantly. His sped up metabolism allows his body to process weaker poisons out of his body quickly.


While capable of casting minor spells and cantrips, Malum has no ability to defend against more powerful magic users.

Stronger poisons will affect him the same as any other creatures.

Prideful. Quick to anger and easy to goad into a fight. Making him straightforward and predicable.

Instrument of Destruction
Proficiency with all basic weapon groups, and ability to learn how to use exotic or unique weapons faster than normal

Mortal Shell
Proficiency with all types of armor.

Defy Death (Ardua's Wrath)
When in combat only, upon being dealt any physical blow that would either render him unconscious, crippled, mortally wounded, or instantly kill him, or suffering direct damage from a targeted or area spell, or any effect that causes a creature to instantly die, Malum may psychically invoke the aid of Ardua. Doing so causes him to enter a long-lasting rage known as Ardua's Wrath as detailed in the section on Rage. While in this state, he cannot cast any spells, speak or comprehend language, and this state lasts until all non-allied combatants in his immediate vicinity are slain, even if they were merely unconscious when he entered the rage. He is further immune to fatigue, exhaustion, paralysis, sleep, poison, entanglement, charming, mind control, domination, petrification, stunning, and any other conditions that would limit his actions, movement, or abilities. He is immune to psychic damage, necrotic damage, and thunder damage during this rage. Fire damage does not harm him, but instead doubles his already-amplified rage-fueled healing for a short time. His healing factor is amplified greatly but he dies instantly if he would be rendered unconscious or dead by any damage dealt to him during this rage. This ability can only be recovered by slaying a novel special Quarry chosen after it ends, through communion by Ardua, and until it is recovered, he cannot invoke it again.

Marked Prey
Through his Mark, Malum is made aware, even when asleep, if any creature of monstrous origin and significant power is within a certain distance of him, but not their distance, direction, identity, or alignment, unless it is his specific Quarry, in which case he knows all of these facts.
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