This thread is an aggregator for the character sheets for the primary characters of Hope Against All Evil, specifically those that do not yet have sheets elsewhere. For characters that are in an existing menagerie that can be cross-linked, they may be posted first as a link and then expanded as necessary.
Details may be subject to changes based on OOC discussion and in-fiction changes to the character in question. Reference images will primarily be, at most, suggestive rather than outright explicit, but reader discretion is advised regardless.
Details may be subject to changes based on OOC discussion and in-fiction changes to the character in question. Reference images will primarily be, at most, suggestive rather than outright explicit, but reader discretion is advised regardless.
All characters included herein are adults, 18 or older in the case of canonically human characters, and of an equivalent but higher age of majority for longer-lived races such as dragonborn, elves, and other long-lived or immortal beings. Which is to say, no characters are under the age of 18, regardless of race. This includes characters that might have multiple technical ages, such as vampires, in all such cases of which the more pragmatic interpretation of their age will still accord with site rules; namely, the age they appear as, or are written to have achieved as of the time of attaining the physical appearance they present in-story, which will invariably be 18 or older.
Any characters stated to be of non-human race have a predominantly human appearance with accent motifs or extra features such as horns, tails, wings, or are written as having the ability to shift into a human form as necessary for intimate scenes as mandated by site rules.
If a character does not have a stated age, note that it has been deliberately redacted for reasons of avoiding spoiling in-fiction reveals in the long run or for reasons of character flair/flavor, rather than to introduce any element of ambiguity about the status of the character with regard to adulthood.
Any characters stated to be of non-human race have a predominantly human appearance with accent motifs or extra features such as horns, tails, wings, or are written as having the ability to shift into a human form as necessary for intimate scenes as mandated by site rules.
If a character does not have a stated age, note that it has been deliberately redacted for reasons of avoiding spoiling in-fiction reveals in the long run or for reasons of character flair/flavor, rather than to introduce any element of ambiguity about the status of the character with regard to adulthood.